pet dragon PT2
I then looked and felt around then i felt a missing bar and there exactly where lexus had pawed out on the map was a gap.
The Prize
The smaller cub handed over a map. henry took a look at the piece of paper. "oh i see, they marked a few spots on the map but why just give away the location?" "well, these are the locations of hints.
Wizard Consultant
"my guess is, he probably had the stone all along and was looking for the map. the map was magical divided into four pieces, that when whole, will show the location of the summoning alter.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Eleven
Sharing the pool chair, the otters snuggled there for nearly ten minutes while watching the other guests play another laser tag game with the pirate battle map. another game started soon after with another map.
A Battle Between Friends
Follow the map within the scroll to find a key and another map. that map will lead to a locked door. behind that door is what you need to press forward on your dangerous task within the nowadays known island of muraki. get to that room now!
Seekers: Chapter Thirteen: Rosie
It was clear that she wanted me to look at the map while she covered us. the map started to fade in as i stared at it hard, trying to find out where we were, and what was where.
David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.2 - The Beginning)
He proudly said as he took out what looks like a map, then put in my hands. "a map?" i said curiously, looking in the map. "yes, it's the map of alto mare.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 12
Nor have i seen anything like that on any continental maps..." "well, that's because moon city is not located on this planet." codec explained, bringing up a world map displaying all continents.
Rose- New Spell
Each tower will have a map of the battlefield but will have one other feature. the map isn't just an ordinary map. anyone that has been marked will show up as a small light on the map, blue for our side, red for anyone that has surrendered.
Desperate measures
"it knows where we are on _its_ map. but _its_ map doesn't match _our_ map, and i don't see where they join up. it's like there's no fucking..." "what are these numbers?"
Prospective Position
Recognizing what you're pointing as a weapon, it squeaks and raises its clawed hands, one of which clutches the map. you stare at the map. between that and the weapon, the gecko figures out what you want.
Jayden, Chapter 1
In the map room, a lieutenant general stood over a map table, with a brigadier generals on either side of him. the most interesting thing that drew the assassin's attention was the map, one of the new virtual three-dimensional maps.