Gentle Killers

Before he could do so, he heard it's voice "don't runaway..." ulysses looked back to see the shark with a sad face. "what?" "i said 'please don't go away" it said with a sadder voice "o-okay..." ulyesses sat back at the edge facing the the shark "so...

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 2

Dark growlithe put her in the middle of the vulpix squad, then they all went to find the trail of the runaway flareon. \*\*\*\*\* houndour had led them to where she was injured and pointed them in the direction that flareon had fled.

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Forbidden Blood 10

Two of thugs decided to runaway after being hit down, "fuck this! i don't want to be known as the guy who got his ass beat by an old man!" the black fox growled, "you chicken shit!! come back here!"

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Juna: the story in her own words

I swallowed back my hatred for the individual who harmed this white furred runaway. everything changed after that. i kept tam safe. he became my assistant and it created a better winter for me. those frozen days of the snow were the best ever.

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Run mowgli! Run for me

Catching the runaway was the best game! he stayed there till the mancub left his eye line, no problem. catching him its just part of the game.

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The Interviews - Aren Goldie

runaway? goals are to find out about nera's past, maybe be separated? there are so many questions, but it's time for the next interview." the interviewer stands up and places the chairs back in their original positions.

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Skywolf Mysteries Chapter 3

Then shi understood, mike rayne had given hir information that he had gotten from one of daemon's runaways, and that runaway had been found dead not long after that visit. daemon was there to cover his tracks.

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Technofox 09

"if cheshire knows that lilith's a runaway, why shouldn't she tell me?" technofox asked. "obviously, i'd know lilith's a runaway without cheshire telling me, and i'm sure not going to get cheshire into trouble for helping a runaway."


Shadowfox 05

The food court was an employment scheme for runaway chimerae. massachusetts police wouldn't ship a runaway across state lines -- dredd scott was overturned in 1907 -- but it was still hard to get a job. "tawny's using the name ambush there.


Stars of Time - Waking Up

What is the first thing that happens when you wake up? Well, for Spyro, it was the feeling of consciously breathing, the air filling his longs, and next, it came the feeling of his own body, as his muscles slowly came back to life after a time of...

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A Day in the Life Of (Chapter 2)

_maybe they hoped i'd become an astronomer or some nightwing visionary like moonwatcher, not a runaway to another continent._ which is how she ended up being a teacher, or well, at least a substitute for the art classes.

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Billy the Kid

It was such an ignoble way for the runaway goat from new york to go and it was equally ignoble for the wolf to have killed him in such a manner.

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