The Break Up
Leon slap aiden rump, making him yelp, as leon stepped up to take his turn.
Waking up
He nodded and got up, following the assistant to his area. he signed a few papers and then sat in the chair. he slipped his tail through the hole in the back first, so he could sit comfortably.
The Split Up
With this, the opened up the pods, soldiers all aimed at them just in case.
Tidying Up
"if you didn't want to clean up before..."
Stood Up
Perhaps i had been to worked up yesterday to notice, but this was a nice car. well worth the...95 thousand. comfort wise, anyway-and speed wise too, i made the 25 minuet bus ride to school in three minuets.
Wakeing Up
I lift up my right hand, palm up, fingers slightly curled, and watched as electricity flowed over my arm.
Blew Up
His own endowment wasn't left out of the party as two orbs that neared the size of a three story house dragged behind him along with a member large enough to fill two air carriers in size was propped up against thunder's back.
Tied Up
With her ankles tied together, she couldn't even spread her legs to give her greninja a peek up her skirt. so instead she squirmed and tried to raise her butt up into the air.
Leveling Up
I try to put double spaces in between paragraphs, but it comes up as only one space when the story is published.
Strung Up
"none can break our will, none can stand up to our might!" "then it seems that i will be the first..."
Washing Up
We were really doing it properly, not for the cameras, just having fun with releasing all this pent up energy from our bodies.
Warm up
I guess i'll just wrap him up... set up camp here..." on that note, a cold wind blew over the two sending shivers down the lucario's spine.