The Daisy Chronicles 2: Wishes

I'm sure teledrones all had similar strength stats, but this one looked like they could have been former special forces. "i was about to milk rose" tele-rose said, taking a piece of cheese off a fresh sampler plate, and eating it.

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Escape from Zootopia - Chapter 1 (BBW, Vore)

A plaque on the desk read, "tanya swinton, director of special forces." her snout scrunched with a sly grin. "carrots. i been waitin' fer you." her deep voice carried a damp drawl. "it's 'hopps'." judy shook her elbow, still in the dog's grip.

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Wasteland Survivor – Regaining life - ch26

He used to be a training sergeant for our special forces, the sas that is." i replied. he seemed to ruminate on that for a moment, then said, "those kids, the ones you had on patrol, they seem to have their heads screwed on right."

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Brad Part 2

The stallion roth had been a major in the us special forces, and had watched in horror as he and his team members had changed.

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Task Force - Long Shot

As for our government looking for us, finding two members of the most elite special forces team ever created in a tundra covering millions of square kilometers, good luck. on top of that, we traveled light.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 12-Going In Hot

"multiple guards in front of the house,logan called,well armed and uniformed,they look like russian special forces." "we got four back here,i said,be ready to move on my shot".

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Hidden: Chapter 8

He was in the german ksk or their special forces for 13 years before he was selected to join the spec enforcers. "it doesn't help that we have to cut through every single door we come across. squad two needs to hurry up."

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Dealing with Problems the Lewis Way 2

And when i was twenty-three... well let's just say shit hit the fan and i joined the special forces, but that's a story for another chapter of my life."

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King of Dusk - Chapter 5

«i'm surprised the secret service involved the special forces into this. this whole operation was not meant to be of public domain.» she said like she was blaming his general. «i think it won't remain secret much longer.

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Payday part 5

Noel had already guessed his profession to either be an elite ex-special forces assassin, or a federal agent taking note of every transgression on their road to inevitable capture (and probably the death penalty).

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One Day

Over 300 males lost their balls to her, before special forces rescued her. of course be then she had sorta gotten to like it, and now employed by these gals. this whole place is run by women you know."

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SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 6

When they reached feral's office, he went to his phone and summoned his special force's units as well as his squadron leaders. he escorted the major to his briefing room where they sat down and waited for his officers to arrive.

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