The Road We Walk On Ch.5
Rusk nodded and hugs Andrea tightly in his arms. "If that's what you need to do hun, but I'm coming with you" Andrea smiled and nodded in agreement. The wolf bear loved how Rusk was always so reassuring and how much he actually cared about...
Conclusion: pain.
Jez flung his hands over his eyes and sighed heavily, trying not to start crying again. he sniffled and gave up.
A bad decision.
Oh she is crying and whining wanting it to end, but growls and howls shuts her right up. clap clap clap that's all you hear, oh he is near! thrust upon thrust to put in his bulb, it might have been as big as a globe.
Abducted By Beasts - Chapter 24
I don't know what happened to you, but i didn't mean to make you cry like this," troy thought - starting to share luger's pain as his chest tightened.
Rise of the Penny: Phoenix Is Born
"you are some piece of work child, this little darling cried for four hours straight she only stopped because i think she ran out of tears."
Guardian Blue: Thanks for the Fox - Chapter 5
Would he cry? she had actually looked away when she thought he had been crying in bogo's office. could she watch him now? she sucked in a deep breath. if he cried, it would be out of happiness and she would not look away.
Shorty: Komasan Learns to Share
cried komasan as komajiro gave his rump a hard smack. it stung slightly but what had surprised him was the loud sound of the smack and his brother's general forcefulness.
The Swan Princesses Of Swan Lake
Rothbart laughed as odette gasped out and looked upon the disheveled swan who was crying helplessly as she watched them. instantly odette began to struggle against rothbart.
The Cry of Sodom: Book II, Scroll V
#18 of the cry of sodom the world is seldom as one believes it is, but sometimes a fur must open their eyes to truly see the pleasures before them.
He Said
Don't cry--"** he said softly, his tone afraid. suddenly, flora threw her arms around andre and pulled him in tight and close, as she cried on his shoulder. **"he's... he's moving... to the islands early..."** she sobbed.
Flamechild - Chapter 6: "Melt Away"
Rowen woke up. Sunlight danced, reflecting off silvery things, pirouetted off of the walls, projecting itself onto everything in its own silent recital. He stole a glance at Kira as she slept. _She is so cute when she sleeps_. He thought about Kiel and...
Gatomon's Punishment - Chapter 1 - Bad Day
And this is a request from Weed/Shippo. I am going to say it's pretty much a PWP. Porn without plot. So if you guys don't like the characterization, bite me :). ...