And The Night Was Young

I gave crystal a quick smile, signed myself out of the register and walked about the store floor, not really paying attention to anything in particular.

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Positive Discrimination

I zeroed the till to wait for the next customer and turned my full attention back to marge, standing behind her own cash register.

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Million Dollar Rory

The cougar woman's eyes and ears were wholly fixed upon the black menace standing behind the cash register next to me.

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Shoplifter Prevention Misfire

The red panda running the cash register spoke as she finished ringing up kuma's items. she was wearing her store uniform with a green apron over it.

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Dance in the Circle Chapter 3

She paused for a moment in her frenzied assault before her brain registered the clothes that the fox was wearing. this fox was wearing her daughter's clothes!

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Bronto Burger with Sauce

The stegosaurus at the cash register had just started working at mc'bronto's. he knew enough to run the machine, and take orders with relative ease, even how not to scare the human customers.

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Twenty One

"once they've registered, they can head to one of the three meeting rooms we've set up for lodgings." standing at the open door, vinnie frowned seeing the females looking apprehensively at him.

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The Naughty Nook

He's still reading the package as he comes up to the register of this darkly lit muff center, so he never gets a good look at this emplyee. "good choice, sir." she declared in a teasing tone.

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Santamos Island: The Lottery Winner

Any non-resident can register, specify an execution method, and choose a number between 1 and 100. each morning a number is drawn at random.

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High School Love

"that kid at the register probably thinks we are on a date." i said with a laugh, then taking a bite out of my burrito and enjoying the flavor before almost spitting it out when he asked. "do you want it to be?"

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Dangerous company

Turns out the world still needed gas station clerks, some things just never changed two plus two still equaled four and gas stations still needed someone to press buttons on a register.

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Drive Me Batty

He was standing behind the main register. back to reality. "do you have honeycrisp?" the black-footed ferret asked. female. probably suburban. "not until september," the golden-furred harvest mouse said in his gentle, slightly-wispy voice.

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