Mind Control Tales - Orcs Edition 3
Although it often encountered resistance, it had yet to encounter a species capable of resisting for long.
Anthropia: The Ancient Ones
Indeed, the weaker ancient ones are 50% resistant to magic attacks while the elites who can be found within a nest are 75% resistant.
Little resistance, my knife in his guts, not his in mine only here his knife is his penis and i am not dead like he would be dead from a literal knife. i'm not dead, his knife is his penis.
16th December
She would not give in and let them ravage her without resisting. her resistance was the only way she could show them that she did not like it. "why are you not helping me?" asked maia finally. her aunt chuckled. "helping you?
Sirius: Book Three - Project EPSILON: Chapter 1 - The Love of his Life
The captain glanced back at the resistance leader for verification. the leader of the resistance was a wolf, tall and strong; his fur dark grey for all except that on the top of his head.
Daughter's First Heat Pt3
In resisting him.
Mind Control Tales: Hypno Bears Edition 2
I'll resist you!" "such arrogance." the kangaroo smiled. "the same arrogance that led to you believe no one could possibly resist your hypnosis. you can't resist me. i've blocked all your hypnosis knowledge from your memory.
Hypnovember - Day 27: One for All
But still, he resisted... adamos resisted. because he would do anything... anything for his freedom... how did he get himself into that mess? he wasn't sure the answer would make any difference. he didn't have time to think about it anyway.
24- The Battle for Warfang
Carmine smirked when to his joy, hundreds of remaining apes flanked the resistance from behind, their brutal nature attacking the dragons with all their ferocity.
The Lusty Argonian Maid 2:2
~i wouldn't resist such a satisfying thing like hurting you.~ the voice thought to lifts-her-tail "i wouldn't resist you if it meant hurting lifts-her-tail." "what?"
[SNEAK PEEK]Sucked In and Seduced
Warm and pliant and soft, no resistance the way some other meals had at first.
2020-06-10 The Long Wander's End
They learn that obedience brings pleasure and resistance brings pain.