Everyone Does It with Experience
He'd brushed it off as another strange moment, like he'd really believe a married woman would be interested in an out of shape widower like him.
The Stages - A 22 weeks companion novella
If i hadn't moved when i did, you'd be reading this posthumously, maybe as a eulogy at your funeral, or a letter to shadi along with a message from the ministry, regretfully informing her that she was a widow and her son was fatherless.
(C) Street Rat Street Fight
." \* \* \* the winking widow was hardly a place a noble should find themselves in. yet, here one stood. hectan waited patiently in the entry hall while the staff of the brothel hastily tried to assemble themselves before him.
Fox in the Hen House
It amused todd that she was a widow, because he knew how to make her happy and he would indeed make her very... very happy!
Murder & Gin
Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/gcstargazer) or...
Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 2
Once he was done with her, he would probably pull a reverse black widow on her and eat her. she was just another fuck toy. just another, just another, just another... he repeated the same phrase in his head over and over again.
Chapter 22 Can't Keep Me Away
She's a young widow, and they say she's always in heat." philip coughed awkwardly. "and . . . what if master dick _doesn't_ fire me, m'lord?" charles went still when philip rubbed a meaningful paw over his thigh.
Werewolf on the Roof
I looked out the curtians and raised my window from my two story house to find only that the widow down the street had another heart attack, and by the looks of it, it was her last.
The New Babysitter
A mother vixen newly widowed, and on the dating scene single handed raising her young. "mama, how long are you going to be gone this time? you leave me here all night with that smelly boring old babysitter.
Upon Deaf Ears
Find another apprentice, one worthy of me and the lord" he whispered to her, releasing one of her paws and rubbing the side of her face, "and don't think it'll be different " she turned away from him, casting her eyes to the green hills embedded into the widow
Dance of the Flitterstep
Then the priest gestured, and the young widower paced forward to his side. he knelt in the sour, muddy earth and whispered a prayer. finally, he raised the lekythos and poured its contents into the dark water. the group waited.
Past Sins
Taking advantage of a grieving father and widower to further one's own political standing was just as disgusting. "so, figment, are you done torturing me?" demrin asked, his voice had lost its usual sarcastic luster. it now sounded tired and weak.