Death Shall Come On Swift Wings

The mix of beauty incarnate and living nightmare within those endless eyes stripped the men of every bit of resistance or opposition they could have had, reducing them to mere bodies and souls with still-beating hearts.

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Curse of the Mightyena Chapter 6

The process continued endlessly as xanthus began his transformation into darkness incarnate. ... zach couldn't help but feel a sense of doom emanating from the west. almost like he could somehow sense the growing presence of darkness.

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Into The Darkest Shadows

In full transformation, i looked like hell incarnate. red eyes, sharp teeth and claws, black and gray fur. there was only one person i had met that seemed to care for me regardless of how i looked. he was a good man through and through.

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Avataress Trilogy: Origins and Secrets - #3 The Ways of the Mortals

The ways of the mortals i am fortitunus, the goddess of ultimate strength, the incarnate of very muscle growth, power endowment and attribute of invulnerability since the beginning of time.

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The Creation Theory

Kami brought into being a physical incarnation of water's mercurial temperament, swiftflow a yumi made of a strange blue metal, flexible as wood but stronger than steel.


Will of the Clan Koopa Prologue

-in the throne room- a terrifying roar shattered the once silent room while making a loud crash that resounded as if thunder incarnate.

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Deeper within

They saw in him an incarnation to some deity of storms, a primitive representation of heavy rainfall, violent gusts and thick and black thunderclouds, for, according to them, his appearance was like the arrival of gales to the coasts: a large shadow that paled

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Soft Rains

In accordance with the old beliefs, the mbaya brought misfortune upon any tribe that would take them on, as they were the incarnation of all the opposites of the asha. he had grown numb to it, though.

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His Killer, His Maid

Pain, incarnate, but even as it stole her breath, it forced her open, her inner walls cramping down, then somehow expanding, stretching, wanting something that was not there.

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Twin Mews 1 - Prologue

Mew, light incarnate, understood this... and she accepted him as he was. many years have passed since mewtwo has given up on taking over the world. an empty quest devoid of meaning.

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The Turning Tide

"i am fire incarnate, ever hear of the legend of the phoenix?" "and from the ashes, they are reborn," andrew chimed in.

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