
I unpacked, at its sight she swiftly perked, it brought her to her knees, she was so eager to learn, how curious she became, for my correction she did yearn, i watched her choking on the pill, she struggled to swallow the knowledge,

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Emoji Arithmetic

To use it to gain more knowledge, which then required you to design better technology, based on that knowledge, to begin to learn even more.


Testing Phases: Scrutiny

It had been his passion to offers _something_new to asuran knowledge, and now that it had failed to produce any interest, he was resorting to joining lower-level expeditions, seeking _old_ knowledge for someone else's profit.

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MLP: The Sisterhood of the Nightmare

If you wish to know more of this curse, you must share your knowledge with me." luna dried her tears casually before regaining herself. "so you suggest an exchange of knowledge? you would've gladly told me these things before."

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Divine Age

I hope that imparts to you some of the knowledge of the ancients and even if it does not so, it is an intriguing story. ~ranger maria rynt

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A Human Outta Place

* * * **okay guys that was my first chapter and i hope it was a good one so again r&r ** **p.s i have no star fox knowledge so if i get anything wrong not my fault.m'kay**


Pantheon. 1

Lord of knowledge, holder of time lord of evening, diviner of stars. lord of the harvest, provider of'e lord of mischief, trickster of thieves.  maiden of the fen, lady of plagues. lord of anger, king of blood and murder. 

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Clown Mare 6-2

With his knowledge he then made a secret laboratory. "soon my experiment will be completed. i will become the maddest scientist in all of equestria." * * * he looked back and set the mug down on the table.

What is Targöht Global?

Armed with this knowledge, kavik and eliza have become somewhat of 'workplace heroes' back in the tech section.

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Sumer's delight

Some seek knowledge to help the others, other to gain riches; his only goal was to find the reason he wasn't able to change form anymore.

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Wolven, if i understand properly typically speak to spirits of either knowledge or nature."


Chapter 1; The Perfect Candidate

"why would you pursue such knowledge, kiran?" "why did you?" he retorted.

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