Of Mice and Dragons
"ugh..." is all he manages before he twists and sits up, watching as an immense sole rises overhead and blots out most light.
Paw to Paw Combat
He furiously scapped and raked at both the smaller feline's tender soles, hitting every centimeter from heels to toes.
Roleplay Night
Marian snickered softly, rubbing her nose around in both of robin's soles.
Perfect Likeness: A Foot in the Door
His cheeks grew hot again, and he tried not to meet fray's gaze as he kneaded into the soft sole. then he leaned down, and pressed his warm lips into the soft and sweaty sole in his hands, coming back up with a smile as he faced frey.
There's Always a First Time
Lupe knelt back down at his feet and bathed them, giving gentle but firm scrubs on his soles to get them clean.
The Roommate Agreement
Up and down, up and down along those soles, that long, sweaty, slimy pad soaking his face.
A Night with the Hood 1
He kept imagining those feet, seeing the soft soles of the famous fox in his face. he imagined how strong the scent probably was, how damp the soles would be, the cleaning that they'd require.
The Vixen's Vexation - Part 2
The fuzz stopped right where the sole commenced, and the cat's eyes dilated at the tantalizing contrast between her creamy white soles and the jet-black fur surrounding them.
Under Striped Feet, Chapter 1: Seeing Blue
There were image boards of all sorts of soles out there - he should know, having been quite the connoisseur of them in the past - and he found four of the big skunk soles.
Under Striped Feet, Chapter 2: Deep Down Underfoot
More and more weight slipped off of the table as the other soles pressed against his body.
With both paws resting across the same sole, his thumbs stretched across to scratch gently at the remaining sole and heel.
Wisper Dabble - Desk Decor
The t-rex dropped the rabbit to the ground, smirked, and lifted his huge sole up in the air. "you'd better n-grmgrmpg!" wisper watched in amusement as the t-rex casually lowered his sole atop the rabbit, followed by the other.