Shadows in Light
The branches left hundreds of thin scratches as she sprinted through the forest blindly. Her mind raced, but very thought came back to the same thing, This isn't supposed to happen during the day. It wasn't a dark, stormy night. There wasn't fog...
The Rising Fallen Star 3 - Charlie
"So, you having a good day?" _"Yesh, very shunny, lotsh of good shmellsh today!"_ "Hmhmhahah, no plans later on?" _"There ish a shmell near treesh I will inveshtigate, might be dangeroush!"_ "But you not afraid aren't you?" _"Nope, I ish...
Wilde Magic
Nick first delved into the supernatural when he was just a young hustler getting started on the streets.
The Guardian (Free-To-Read Story)
Link here: Unfinished. [\_3uQzUTBU/edit?usp=sharing](
Keeping Track of Story Universes
Schizophrenia the whole time, it was mixed stress, poor diet, and sleep depravation so that his subconscious solved the mystery while he perceived "ghosts", lame i know, but like 4 people are going to read this) imperial splendor (science fiction, all "supernatural
This is War (Chapter21, Book8)
You remember the attacks against supernatural types, twenty-five years ago? that was led by a guy named aris falcon. falcon was a lot like sherman. a hero to some, a villain to others.
The Foolish Boy
Okay, now there had to be some supernatural force at work. there was no way sevrin would be that happy over something that didn't even make sense. werewolves? really?
Chapter 6 - To the Starline
Sabrina: i'm sorry "sarah" but i can't let you pass the supernatural boarder. \> sarah's tone of voice turns decidedly more sinister sarah: heh, heh, heh... technically little cat.
There goes the neighborhood
Which was not information he planned to share seeing as that knowledge was the source of his supernatural abilities.
The Night of the Pumpkin King
Car alarms wailed and animals began to yelp as a rippling wave of dark, supernatural energy erupted out from a particular point on a particular city street.
Curious Cases LAPD: A Spooky-Ass Mansion and Eight Bisexual Guests, and SFW, Too
That was when we all suspected something supernatural, even me, somebody who doesn't believe in any of that most of the time.
Chapter One
Variations option 1: character b is a supernatural creature, the same kind as the killer, but innocent. they approach character a and offer to hunt down the killer together.