Chapter 8: Fate of the Fallen

With a lightning twist of its body and arms the bug the dog had tried to push past had gripped his elbow and span him sideways into the waiting arms of the bug to its right.

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dark passion

"and then i get shut down by that damn bug man." jack kicked the dirt as he tried to figure out his next move.

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I flinch and pin my ears against my head as there was a high pitched sound, from a bug or something followed by a couple of 'thuds'.

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Mansion in the Woods: Monsters

Hive queen: after the queen lays her eggs they will hatch into hatch into reptilian insectoid versions of the herm or male she has just mated with.


Why Couldn't We Go To The Beach??

Ka'a letting out an oof as he was pressed into the back of the hot throat by the arthropods face as it was crammed in there with him.

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Vanquished Fools pt 1

More of the lumps traversed the length of the ovipositor and they squeezed into the captive bug.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 12, 13 and 14

The second pokemon sent out was a pinsir, another awesome bug pokemon, this bug catcher had good taste. onix continued on and used another rock tomb defeating pinsir.

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Hollow Knight: False Knight

The female bug didn't seem like a threat, nor did she seem insane like the other beings that he had encountered. "hello there! how delightful to meet another traveler on these forgotten roads. hmmm...

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Scy-zing up the Differences

Champ, in an adrenalin rush, jumped in front of the bug and blasted it with fire. it screamed and hissed as he fought the flames to put them out. down it went; champ huffed once then stood ready for more.

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Skittering About While the Wife is Out

The notion of mating with a mere bug was sickening! but, i truly had no way to know. he would be a slave to his whims, the same as i was.

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A Smile to Come Home To

"he squished a bug!" the crossbreed hissed back at her. "he squished a bug?" bridgette asked with equal measures of sarcasm and cynicism, "you cannot be serious collet!"

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Eight

Shadow dodged the bug with ease then followed evin's next order of double team, which was soon improved upon by another agility when the bug came around for another pass.

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