An Ensnared Huntress
The sound of something sweet and gentle in the air draws her closer and closer to the beast that whittles down her will with every whisper. a forest of bamboo and trees crawled up the side of a mountain coated in mist.
Experimentation - April Rule 34 Story #2 (Teaser)
As the beast's hand slammed down onto the purple-furred beast, it immediately doubled over in pain, then let out a roar in its agony before rearing back.
The Real McCoy (X-men Beast TF)
It was a perfect model of hank mccoy, better known as beast from the x-men. 90's era, of course. i'd grown up reading comics and watching x-men on tv, and beast was always my favorite character.
Astral Power Chapter 1
Cassette beasts! we like it a lot, and can't get it out of our heads. naturally this means we're gonna write a tf fic about it since the game already features tf.
The Expedition
Aron bent over the beast with a cruel smile. "boo."
The Lost Arrow ch2 Flackload
And with my command phrase the transformation subsystem activates and starts to switch my beast mode with my normal robot form. my beast mode's body opens up and my robot mode's arms and legs unfold from inside.
Beast Wars Ravages of Love (original story)
As an added cover for him, he would then gain an organic alternate form and hide out in the wilderness until the beast wars were over, secretly helping the maximals foil megatron's schemes in the process.
Untitled venting story or "Oh dear."
Had to cut the beast loose and let him eat some drifter." to punctuate, he reached over and stroked the beast's gut. "mmph! mrrmfnm!" the rabbit's eyes sprung open as a chill shot through him like lightning.
In Seven
And thus from every creature man exalted all his kin, assured in his dominion of the land and beasts therein. one stain had man yet unabsolved by hoary-headed priests; man's unique sin was envy toward the freedom of the beasts.
The Summoner - Chapter 1
"most everyone has retreated to the grand hall, but the walls will not hold against a siege from the beast! two sorcerers and a handful of fighters are already at the site, but i fear they won't be enough" she gasped as she tried catching her breath.
The Summoner - Chapter 2
As a quilt of greenery unfurled, the beast coiled down foggily. it covered itself in the damp earth, and the grass covered it smoothly.
Powerless In Space - chapter 3
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of...