The no longer Tragic Lovesong of Destiny: FINISH

He watched their lovemaking from a distance, not wanting to interrupt what was going to be the last time they ever fucked before killing them both. As the passions died down, Naraku watched Inuyasha lower Kagome into the water, it was then he...

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Chapter Thirteen: Discovery

_Inside the coarsest stone may yet be the most valuable gem._ Travel suited Shuji Yarimoto well. His advisors and generals were trusted enough to keep things running, and his Samurai and vassals all enjoyed his calm, loose-handed rule. As...

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_So far this whole experience was happening to me as if I had no control over it- as if I was a spectator behind my own eyes. I was walking through a crowded market; I can't remember exactly how I got there. The sun was bright and warm, it must have...

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New Dawn: A Prismatic Life to Save

4. A Prismatic Life to Save It seemed that the flyer I had seen last night about a music artist signing autographs to promote their new CD was happening today. It seemed the music group was named Nanairo; it was a group with a very beautiful Japanese...

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Anderwelt - Gelobtes Land

**Anderwelt das Gelobte Land** **1. Kapitel: Unerwartetes Treffen** In einem fernen Land streift Ninji in der Gegend umher. Ninji ist ein violetter Tiger und etwa 29 Jahre alt. Er trägt eine weiße Rüstung die mit azurblauen Mustern durchzogen...

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The Prizes of War

It takes place a short time before the meiji restoration in japan. this is the period in time when there were feuds between different clans. it was also the time of the samurai.

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To Dream of Darkness III - Ch 45

Because i believe, from what you have told me, that you are not even from japan."

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 39

She studied the largest map, which gave her a good idea of the direction and distance to nagasaki harbor, but which was frustratingly vague in any details about the island of japan itself.

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She stood against the moon, watching the others as they arrived. It had been a good year, there where no still births and the crop of hopefuls was high. As was dictated by tradition, there was to be a celebration tonight. She walked towards the...

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Chapter Six: Loss

_Storms pass, earthquakes halt. Even the worst times are makred by moments of peace..._ Kiku did not struggle; she had seen what they did to the girl in the stall next to her when the slightly older kibajin had fought back with fang and...

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Chapter Four: Revelation

_Happiness to Destruction, Destruction to Hope..._ "What is the meaning of this?!" Aritseru was stunned beyond belief. In the middle of a meeting with his advisors, the doors had been flung open and Shuji Yarimoto, along with Usuyami...

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Chapter Three: Foreshadows

_Storms can be easily seen coming, but not so easily stopped..._ The city stank. It was not the dry, crisp reek of molten metal and burning wood and coal. However, it was a moist, wet smell. The smell of masses of people packed so ...

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