Tikana vs Mayve 3
Just join my patreon at 20 dollars a month for one month and you'll have a character in the storyline!
Auhrul vs Shusk Part 2
Just join my patreon at 20 dollars a month for one month and you'll have a character in the storyline!
Rental Job
An: this story is based off the "claire's toybox" storyline. if you have not read the first in the series, entitled "working for the toy store", it is recommended you do so. link can be found in the author's profile page.
Weird Shit 2 (Rough Draft, Unfinished)
Image created using makeitstranger.com check out my patreon for my series "the adventures of tik tik" those who give at 20 dollars per month can get their character in my "tournament of pleasure" storyline https://www.patreon.com/tiktikkobold check out my
A Rival Marked
Different tiers grant you more content and more input on the creation process of these stories, but i'm always looking for feedback on my work, so please, also consider joining my discord server.if you want your own character to become a part of my next storyline
Elements of Magic 2
If you want your own character to become a part of my next storyline, check out my patreon for details.: https://www.patreon.com/tiktikkobold discord: https://discord.gg/fa2neqz art by tcathttps://www.deviantart.com/tcat tik tik looks over every item in her
What Is Your Name?
It had fascinating creatures and an interesting storyline. he enjoyed the pterosaurs of this game, finally seeing them in action.he sat back and watched, like an endless chain of movies. then came wyverns.
A Passing Acquaintance
A Passing Acquaintance High in the sky, was flying a large black dragon through the air. Two long, white horns crowned his imposing head, from which two ruby eyes stood out. Narrow, dark gray ear combs framed his face. The ears overlying stretched...
Five Dragons: DLvP: Kapitel 9,5: Seelische Nähe
Five Dragons: DLvP: Kapitel 9,5: Seelische Nähe Erschöpft trat er vor sein Zimmer. Die Hand an dem Griff platziert, wich sein Blick verwundert zur Seite. Eine mit warmen Wasser gefüllte Porzellanschale stand, mit einem Waschlappen danebenliegend...
Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 7.5: Undisturbed Togetherness
Five Dragons: TloP: Chapter 7,5: Undisturbed Togetherness Roland opened the door vigorously. The pleasant temperature of the room fell from the open frame over his face. Taking a deep breath he walked into the bathroom and left at every step a muddy...
Poke Quest chapter 1 : Disaster at Dusk
;d but if you like the storyline here, go and see his story on writing.com, it's a blast!) the sun was starting to disappear behind the hills as quox kept his position on top of the wooden wall.
LiM ChG1: What the Past Holds
I've already got a few in mind, but i want to really get the main storyline set up before i do that.