Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eight

The hit didn't hurt but the fact the toddler scored a hit on a black operations soldier caused him to pause long enough for another hit to impact across the cheek. he staggered from the blow and the world blurred for a moment.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Forty One

Basically, i was a toddler who'd wandered into the ring with an olympic boxer, her gloves way too big for her tiny arms to lift... and that sadist of a boxer had no problem punching her right in her cute toddler face. repeatedly.

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Obamon Meal 2

His face filled with more far, giving him a tubby toddler face that would make any mother want to pinch his cheeks.

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Dear Cousin II: Stewie

Stewie griffin, a one year old toddler stands in his footie pajamas with his teddy bear, rupert dangling out of his right hand - his hands are on his hips, and he doesn't look too happy. "stewie, what are you doing out of bed - it's late."

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A.R. Daycare

All were of course wearing kid clothes and some of the toddlers were just in shirts and a diaper, while others were in p.j.'s like me. i felt a little timid as she carried me and curled up in her arms.

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Dragon Mother

It was about 6 feet long and 4 feet wide, too small for a dragon toddler, but more than big enough for a human child. fortunately, it was still clean, even after being stored away for so long.

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Seventh Tale

Looking over himself, he was only a toddler now... maybe three years old at the absolute most. making him at least a year younger than his current charge. "now you're perfect so we can play!"

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: A Small Step for a Canine

I end up looking like a toddler!" "would you rather prefer looking like a toddler, or to risk damaging the spacesuit?" good point. toddler look it is then.

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The Forgotten Wolf

Kunari was very young in this memory... like a toddler almost. he was sleeping. here, aniu was singing a slow, haunting melody... some lullaby. then it stopped.

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Last Stand of The Frej [Prologue]

Crashed into the midsection of the 'damocles', and tore through the other side, cutting the frigate in half, depressurizing the cabins that were not sealed off in time, and making the two halves of the rhodean vessel spin wildly like a toy-top spun by a toddler

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He was the first to hit the center of a target with an arrow and the first, when the two had grown older, to shoot down a lone feral wolf that had crept up on a wandering toddler.

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