The Mercenary And Her Conscience

_a good hand to hand fight is never boring._ she smiled to herself, and then whistled to get their attention. "let's have at it, then!" she roared. the two bands looked at one another and then nodded, rushing her.

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The Ultimate Breakthrough-3

Of coarse though, if your not looking to swing around some steel, we have a choice of magic and hand to hand combat." sid opened the large book for me, taking me to a page full of illustrations that were organized and well drawn.

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The Order of the Dawn Knights Ch.1 (Not mine owned by my friend and Yes i have permission to post it here)

After this the gauntlets they are quite stunning as he looks at them the knuckle have had spikes implanted on them for hand to hand combat.

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A Forlorn Love Part 1

Even if they had caught me, i wouldn't have cared since i was trained from an early age in hand-to-hand combat. pretty good at it, too.

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For'se, Gentleman Kobold!

"we fight as men, hand to hand. if you win, i will surrender the document. if i win, you will give apology to the good doctor. is it a deal?" the gun lowered. and the man nodded. if anything, it was poor form to be called out by ones lessers.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 7 - The memory

Fortunately, tigers were stronger of both wolves, lions and everything else, but only in the hand to hand combat.

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Hospital 309

A hand to hand confrontation would definitely be out of the question, v was sure they had trained from the look of the felines build. "v huh? you can call me victor. did your name have a v in it too?"

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On the Moon Bridge

"yesterday was hand-to-hand combat training." "and the day before that?" "archery practice in the field. and horseback riding the day before that." "is combat all you think of anymore?" no, but he didn't want to share some of his other thoughts.

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Chapter 2: the awakening of the Nekoken

Other than his hand to hand he also relearned the art of the sword this helped him gain strength and he still remembered the style his mother nodika taught him so many ages ago.

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Return To Base

One might think he wasn't agile, but they had never seen him in a hand-to-hand fight against an opponent that was posing at least a decent challenge. "squad... report."

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Max Myers and his TFS-109 Chapter..7

Third was kenjutsu which was simple sword skills and lastly there was taijutsu which was hand to hand combat. off course he learned some chakra control, like walking on the walls but he couldn't do the water walk yet.

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Yesterday was Rough

Round 1 - hand-to-hand combat rick was strong, i'll give him that, but dodging his wide strikes was all too easy. i dodged one right hook and gave him a sharp uppercut to the chin, he stumbled back and fell on his rump. "argh, you little tard.

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