Composition FF-SxD 06

[This story's creational documentation is tagged at December 2009] # COMPOSITION FF-SxD 06 Shale looked wearily down at the worn and wrinkled slip of paper in his paw, his eyes grazing over the words, even though he'd...

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Banishment: Chapter 2 - A Friend?

\*\* Notes from the author \*\* I am not trying to turn anybody on here, but instead to make a realistic story. I'm afraid that some parts of what follows will be disturbing to some individuals, and for that I am sorry. However, realistic fantasy is...

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The Eternal: Prologue

The Eternal Prologue: The End I've been around for longer than I care to remember, and as my wife suggests, I'd better get to writing some of it down before senility catches up on me. Somehow, she fails to notice that despite my eon of existence, my...

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Beyond the Blinding Lights pt4: Fire and Flames

The Ashkar fell back screaming as the Body Forge entered its final stages, and it was clear what the shapeless blob of aurous energy had become. Many had fled as soon as they had realised they were confronting a Dragon, and the more quick witted ones...

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Beyond the Blinding Lights part 2; Down a Darker Path

no yiff yet, but gettin there. bear with me! \*\*\* Sara finished cleaning the glass and set it on the rack with the rest. Picking up another, she set about it with a scrap of rag, polishing away smudges and the layer of grime they invariably...

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An Unexpected Adventure Ch. 1: It Begins

I of course do not own Pokemon or anything to do with pokemon. It is all the property of Gamefreak. This is my first ever story. Feedback would be nice. A lot of explaining and ect. done in this chapter, but I promise it will pick up. And I double...

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The Birth of an Assassin

All is silent where she stands in a corner of the dark room, lights long since turned off with the coming of nightfall. The only resemblance of light is what comes from her bright, yellow eyes, usually kept covered by the ebony leather of her hood, but...

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Friends In Deed

The forest was filled with its typical, peaceful chorus. A lovely howl of slight wind moved through the pine boughs and the chirping of distant birdsong provided a nice lilt. Dry pine needles and soil masked my scent, and the muddy brown of my fur...

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Yeah it's another Skyrim based story about what really happened when Dryston tried to brawl a certain big Orc... takes place before the Hero's undoing of course... Brawler The huge green skinned Orc had just stepped out...

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Monster I Have Become: Ch. 7

**Monster I Have Become** **Chapter 7** **\*\*Hey guys and gals! Has been awhile hasn't it? Sorry! But maybe this chapter will make it up! I tried my best, but you all know it all comes down to you guys and your _comments_ (Which you guys never do!)...

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Coyote and the Wolf, part 2

# "Coyote and the Wolf" part 2 An intense light was disturbing Ku'o's rest, and a massive weight was pressing on his chest. "What the.....?"he tried to open one eye to see, but that blasted light shot lances of pain into his head. He raised his arm...

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On Leave

It was leave, a time for us soldiers to be free and see our families. Danny and the boys went back state side while I jumped on the first Army flight out to the South Pacific; down there was the closest thing I had to a home. 10,000 miles from the war...

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