Wylde Fyre - Chapter Ten
Now, he finished adjusting the last straps of his g-suit and survival vest over his brand-new black avalon institute flight suit, which fit like a glove.
Wylde Fyre - Chapter Nine
In this chapter, the avalon team gather more information on their enigmatic foes, via the help of some welcome allies, before sean finds out exactly his mixed atlantean heritage involves.
Floral Space Demon Rodeo
Tammy had lived on her species' homeworld of avalon for her whole life. most of the native flora was, like avali, adapted for cold climates.
A Servant's Heart, Chapter 21
It was worse knowing that on the other side of the wall was supposed to be the largest collections of mrr'tani outside avalon. she didn't know for sure what would happen when they crossed the wall, but she wasn't looking forward to it.
Odd Coutermeasures -- Chapter 4 -- Part One -- {Resolve}
A soldier from his hometown of avalon was seen hitting him when he was a child, spattering very disrespectful things. 'you're an embarrassment to this contingent!' // 'you respect your higher ups, boy!' // 'i won't hesitate to kill children!'
Warm up
"we are children of avalon, our bodies are capable of taking several beatings." the charizard pulled out his fingers, satisfied with the lubrication he's done as he prepared to insert his monster of a cock into the lucario. "charlie... stop."
A Servant's Heart, Chapter 15
She smiled to herself as she remembered opening the crate and finding a selection of the garments that the mrr'tani on avalon were wearing when she was there.
Half-Blood Chapter XI
The fey mostly stay in avalon, their home realm..." the boy shook his head taking this in... the four of them sat there in silence until erin spoke up, "so what do we do with him? i think we should take him with us...
Pathfinder Ch 4
The same wind was ruffling the feathers of the hawk perched in the crow's nest of one particular ship, his keen eyes sweeping the seas around them as they approached avalon city. "all clear from up here, captain!" sora called down towards the helm.
Party of Five : Chapter Nine
I don't understand, we all have to go to avalon to join an order, how did you ...." pansy cut him off.
A day in the life
In particular, she and the other avalon gargoyles were birthed to fill out the ranks and appeal to some childish demographic.
Independent: Chapter 5
"avalon!" arthur, once more dressed in his steel and gold armour, reached for the sword hanging from his hip and drew it. the weapon was simply awe-inspiring.