story: Friendship Means Responsibility (My Little Pony)

At a time when everypony in equestria had the opportunity to behave in a way that prevented this crisis from reaching that climax.

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 16

"i think around here you're suppose to say everypony," quipped clover the ponies launched two more attacks, mixing it up with the war machines so quickly and at such close quarters they could not effectively deploy their blasters without taking each other

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 2

Seeing everypony else there she raised a hoof and addressed them. "thank you all for making me feel so welcome. enjoy the party everypony!" she then mingled with the ponies recognizing many and chatting with a few before making her way to twilight.


Death To Nightmare Chapter 6

"thank you all for coming and have safe trips home everypony." spitfire said to finish the show and the ponies began to disperse. spitfire joined rainbow dash as she headed back to the suite. "rainbow. that. was. awesome!"


26: Peril

As soon as they were under the dark night sky, thunderlane turned back to see if everypony was following him and stopped when he saw that specter was nowhere to be seen.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act III - 17 - The Calm Before the Storm

everypony is safe." she said, and fenrir let out an audible sigh of relief before sitting down as his aunt and the others filled him in on the last few days.

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Stretto's New Suit

Not that i'm prying, i just hear about it from everypony who walks in. how _is_ your business doing anyway, if you don't mind?" stretto grinned, stepping over to put away a few new fabrics. rarity stopped and growled, "it's...going fine!"

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Pony Poets - The Wheel Story (2nd in series)

He stood and counted the load off, while everypony else available made to offload the wagon before home time. "i can't believe you can pull that around on your own," said a grey mare, removing the last turnips in the front corners.

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The Moon need friends too part 25

Um we better head to the kitchen,since i can tell that everypony is already their." celestia said in a neutral tone. " oh ok ,i just got to brush my mane princess." twilight replied to celestia.

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Penchant: CH 14*: Inferring a Busy Night

With all the parties and worrying about keeping everypony happy you can begin to forget what relaxing is like." "yeah." i replied contentedly "i know when there's something wrong with a friend. do you want to talk about it?"

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Giving Love a Helping Hoof: Chapter 2

Fluttershy smiled that certain smile again, that smile everypony knows is in memory of somepony who was more than a mere friend. "well, the first date was all planned out but our second date just kind of happened.