The Amazonian Conflict
Jimenez climbed into the passenger seat of the van beside officer davis as nyx and inferno got in the back, already inhabited by a badly bruised young ocelot, jimmy.
Sarf and the Soldier
Sargent** the sargent activates his rigged battle armor causing an explosion that engulfs all of sarf's hunting party in a blinding orange inferno. sarf climbs out of the smoke, his fur charred and his face scarred from burns.
A Bronze Rising: Smoke and Fire
Below me, the forest was an inferno. swinging around, i winged my way back south towards the estate with all possible haste.
Burn With Me
The fox screeched before leaping as far as he could, just landing behind a large boulder before a sudden inferno exploded from the equine. the air became super-heated around him, singing the foxes' fur.
Astral High - Chapter 7
They did the ground work for inferno high, and the school here. which reminds me, there's something called star's days at that new school in august, it's registration and such, you need to be there if you want to go."
Chapter 10
inferno started forming the a blast burn in his palms, not bringing it up to full power. liru formed a combination of focus blast and aura sphere in his palms.
Breaking the Barrier: Further Experimentation
"i assume you're dusk inferno?" i extend a hoof in greeting "yep, that's me miss dash.
Becoming a Hellhound
Now naked, the heat of the inferno i found myself in did not wane. he finally graced me with his words. they were strange, alien. yet i understood them all the same this was no punishment, no hell.
Chapter 1 - Olivine Memories
With one final roar and an open mouth blast, skyfire erupts the ball of flame into a massive inferno that is nearly as wide as the arena itself.
Dwarf Daddy
An inferno of heat crossed luke's cheeks as more stubble burst out, connecting his thick goatee to the sideburns that were pushing out lush and thick.
To Serve Gods: Chapter 1 - Felix's New Job
"...the bottom line is, you went to inferno without permission." came the voice of zera. felix noticed a new face: a red-haired fox girl standing there in what looked like a hiking outfit.
Drachenherz Teil 65
„inferno der drei....", sagten sie halblaut und schlugen dann mit „feuerbestien!" zu. die drei flammenmonster griffen aqua, der jetzt ohne jeden schutz war an, vernichteten als erstes die barriere und gingen dann auf ihn los.