Kung Fu Panda: Tien Tsin Pepper Dart

Plus, that insight into males of the mammalia kind... she'd never admit how weird that made her feel as a female, and not entirely in a bad way either. "it looks too narrow to fly," crane observed, "we'll have to risk the tiles."

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Good Boy Part Two

We had a long, talkative lunch, and i remember talking to him about many things; i was particularly interested in the girls in prussia; he had many bits of insight into their lives; they, apparently, lived a life like a double edged sword: in the day they

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Infernal Intro

I already saw their visual traits, which gave me insight into their evolutions and adaptations. however, their ethnics and habits are lead only to my theories.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch3.0

Experience, special failure: - luck, - willpower, + delay story seeds: + earth, ++ wild, + new moon, - sun modifier: this option will result in the death of at least 1 character... but also has the capacity to provide a great amount of insight

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The Adventures of Vyxsin the Vixen- Manic Monday

This time, we get a bit more insight into vyxsin's working life. this story is clean, except for one or two cases of bad language. reader discretion is advised. and finally, a big thank you to igambledwithdeathonce for proofreading!

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Sam x Will thingie

I have not yet notified the authorities as i feel like you can provide me some insight as to what motivated you to kill him, but you are under the span of four days to do so as i am obligated to report you.

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File #5 - "Discovery"

Val'sha continued on, underneath her emotional suppression, she had grown to appreciate zant's company and his youthful insights, as well as his sometimes incompetence. he was always willing to learn and that was what she liked about him.

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Life of the Plate

He wanted to call out to the server and plead with her, beg for some insight to why he was both ecstatic and miserable or just to know what his bill would be when he was done, but she had already disappeared into the kitchen.

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Rebirth Prelude

"this was the most insightful i have read in years." he watched as the boy took in what he'd just said. "i mean it, chaz; this is stellar work.

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243 Hard Lines

He had enough of that stuff in his early days, looking over remains in mortuaries, not a coroner himself but requiring an extensive understanding of how to preserve evidence and knowing what to ask, when to ask it, to extract the insight that would lead to

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 10

Another device appeared from his back, giving me an all too late insight into how exactly this creature functions. the device he carried with him was clearly a farce, he was the weapon.

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The One

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i stared at the dry-erase board from my desk, rapping a pencil on my notebook as i tried to find some shred of insight into the recent murders.

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