Chapter 5
Her woodland marpat uniform was completely soaked with rain, as well as the rain bouncing off her kevlar helmet.
The Mission begins.
Lilly sprinted off towards the farmhouse, quickly coming to a sparse woodland where she climbed a tree and waited, sighting up the farm guards with her rifle.
Bitch (Awakening of a Werewolf)
My father dismissed him as a stray; there were many of them around, making a living hunting out in the woodlands that ran for miles just beyond our property line.
The Dark Warrior: An Attack
I felt my bow and my armor ripped from my torso in their anger, and soon found the coat protecting my back from the intense cold covered in the thick clay of the woodland floor. the next few moments are distorted in my memory.
A week of dates
I broke the silence, as we rode along the side of a large, sunny woodland area. "fin, ermm, when will we stop, it's just i'm starved." i blush a little at telling him, but instead he smiles, and halts the horse with a steady, calm hand.
PREVIEW | Inhuman: Sanctum tension [07/15/12]
Sean rolled his eyes and shook his head, but nonetheless wrapped his own arm around her in return as they walked the woodland path.
Omalya Chronicles: Chapter 1
They make quite a ruckus traveling along the rough terrain, startling all the woodland creatures into hiding. upon the wagons ride members of every sentient species on the alharan continent of ausa.
All she wanted was a nice, versatile quadruped body, low to the ground, good for crawling through forests with woodland debris strewn about.. that's where she made her money, after all! stupid old man. plus, she thought taurs were hot.
Quick Stop
Vrash had called for a halt and together they set up a temporary camp in a patch of woodland. "yes, but worth it caron," vrash replied as he sat down.
Foraging For New Beginnings
She loved her woodland home more than any place she'd ever been before. she had few obnoxious neighbors; only the cantankerous badger couple that lived over the hill to the east and the crotchety woodchucks that lived beneath the old oak to the west.
A Dragon in Need part 1
"that is because i am from the woodlands near the centaur range. i haven't set foot within your abode before today. i heard about your problem from one of your servants." she gasped as her orgasm threatened to overtake her.
The Havlin Academy: Ch 1
With a growl he turned over then chuckled seeing his boyfriend a woodland fox named somer. he ruffled the foxes head fur lightly as he spoke "what are you doing out of class so early love?" he fox smiled up at him "mr.