First Day of School
Ronald told us about the rules and regulations and other boring stuff. then the bell rang and we left the classroom. "come on, colin. i'll show you around." kyle said. i didn't hesitate and followed him around for the day.
"i'll skip the boring stuff and get straight to the point, neither of you have managed to locate or even capture the special or any of his friends for that matter, and it looks like good cop will be getting spanked first" yelled lord business sharply.
Oh, did I mention? there WAS drama!
"okay, i guess if you are up to it, ricky, then i will put up with all that boring stuff." "listen you little airhead!" i cried, standing up and banging my hands on the table.
(D.X.) 2. Blue Eyes
#2 of dynamo x **boring stuff first** _[1]: if you're under 18 and on this site... wtf is wrong with you, go backs to 4chan... (like that's any better, but w/e...
(Comission) Getting to Know Moose
Why focus on the boring stuff first?" "that's the way lisa asked." he said defending herself. "and that's why she's losing more and more clients. now then let's shift gears." she said before turning the tape recording on.
She wanted adventure, not being stuck indoors doing rubbish, boring stuff. we met her when she snuck out one night when i and rich were going to go and steal food from a little corner shop. she instantly felt sorry for us, so she helped us.
The Spark Files #04 :Christmas!!
boring stuff. i'm thinking of turning in early for once in my life, and suddenly- i hear somethin. it sounds like a scratching from the chimney. so i'm like "wtf mate?" and i go to check it out right. and i know, chimney? apartment? zuh?
This time his black fur is more or less looking nice, he is dressed in a light gray shirt and jeans, and he looks ready for the upcoming day of the usual boring stuff.
He might have been if he had known the first 10 minutes was the same boring stuff everybody heard. 30 seconds of blank space. and 3 hours of naked marines wrestling. he would also have been interested in the box that flashed up on the man's screen.
The Bear and the Dragon
Rather boring stuff actually," the bear replied, rubbing his temples again, trying to remove the slight buzzing echoing in his head.
Sweetest Revenge
boring stuff: all characters here are copyrighted to their players... kazo + ian copyrighted to xio nightshard (\<3 him!) and jolan is copyrighted to me! yay! oh, this story has some rape, violence, and revolves around gay anthro sex. don't like that?
Wolgram's Search Part 5
Wandering among the mortals, having fun, i see, while i'm stuck with all the boring stuff." he gave a mock pouting look and sniffled. i just scoffed and looked away. "yes, as being the ruler of the chaos in the worlds is so hard."