Gil's Monkey Treat - RP with Studmonkey

Given your earlier comments about finding me distracting, i think you will likely enjoy the fact that i prefer to eat my ex students after a last practical lesson on interspecies copulation."

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Claude and Dr Packard

"he's dated an an ex student of mine, he's a gentle top and a passionate wolf, but jeremy doesn't like being knotted and they broke up after only a few dates." emil tells me.

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Royal Prerogative

Then a few of the contingent from athens started to applaud, then the rest of my ex-students from the royal academy joined in, and then everybody broke out in a thunderous applause. my new father-in-law was sitting on the other side of cassiopeia.

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Antisocial Paradise

"about a third of my roommates are ex-students with expired visas," tix began as he jumped the last few steps down. "they have no plans on leaving." "see," i said, as we paused on the first-floor landing, "you can move in with tix."

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Ideas in Lieu of an actual story #2

She then takes him to a culinary school further into the city and introduces him to the instructor there; an ex-student of rene.

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Playing with Fire

Jean-paul practically dragged peter out of the door, locking it behind him, and ushered the ex-student down the single step to the exterior door out of the small building.

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Light Taker

Nowadays, with both of her parents gone and no other relatives to turn to, her ex-student was the only one she could confide in. with a little hesitation, kaida knocked on apartment 1a. she lived all the way down on the opposite side at 1d.

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