Housepets!: Whatever it Takes to Win
This is a one-shot story set in the housepets! universe, with full apologies (and thanks for such a cute comic) to rick griffin, who is in no way associated with this work. please consider donating. donations come with significant rewards!
Reckless Pt. 4 (M/M) (horrorotica)
It had a big tag on it: "pampered housepets adult doggy bed".
Lois and Marion
Well, Marion always joked that I should keep a diary. Said we'd find it in a few decades and laugh about the dumb teenage nonsense we would go through. It's been two years since he gave me this one as a prank gift... and... well... I feel like I'm...
Stacy: The New Dog on the Block ch. 3
Ch. 3 Stacy's Interview "" Frank was the first to respond. "This is Stacy, Dad - I found her when I was riding my bike, hungry and all alone," Brian said, half-lying; he wasn't going to tell his folks that he spent fifty...
The Exterminator
People love their housepets. they love going to the zoo to see exotic entities from far-off places. nobody loves pests. that's why they're called pests. and that's why people like me do the things that we do.
Housepets! - Earning Peanuts
#3 of housepets! when the dragons away, the pets will play. peanut and grape from rick griffon's webcomic "housepets!" find themselves trapped and alone in an unfamiliar dimension, and peanut finds out that his girl-troubles are just beginning.
Gryphon's King "Takes" Dragon's Tarot.
Woke up and had an idea for a fanfiction from housepets, and i don't do fanfiction normally so this is rare. it took me about 15 minutes.
Peanut (from housepets!): what's your greatest fear? fox: dying alone. i don't know what i would do without my team. silver: well that's all the time we have. i'm surprised.
The Housepet Games
Chapter One "Grape, I'm BOOOOOOOORED!" Peanut whined. He was hanging upside down off of the couch, his head resting on the floor. A Wii-Remote dangled from one hand, and the other held a comic book. "You just got that new game!" Grape said in...
The Drowning of King
King, from housepets!, finds himself trapped with time running out... dark, thick clouds rumbled low over babylon gardens as king pulled his scarf tighter around his cream-and-white colored neck.
The Drowning of Grape
If it wasn't one thing, it was another for Grape Jelly Sandwich. Holding a flashlight steady, she tramped through the woods behind Babylon Gardens by herself. King had been missing for a week now and everybody agreed to take turns looking for the...
Housepets: Can't Sleep
#6 of housepets! fanfics a short and sexy grape and peanut fanfic, featuring a certain wonderful image~ i got my art request drawn by rick griffin through patreon. crazy simone, another patron, colored and shaded it. and now here i am!