I summon your own futures now and those of your own sons of darkened dreams and lost last hopes that you've at last undone.
Tales of the past, A compolation of short stories: Tale One
Now passing the city walls, the heavy gates opening to a desolate land before him, the hero stepping pass the gates his sword and shield and hand while what's left of the towns folk recite a prayer for their last hope.
BX-132 Chapter 4
Being the leading facility for bio-medical research, they felt we were their last hope. the frightening thing is, the cryonics only brought their temperature down to near normal.
Life Was Sweeter Back Then...
Ethera was the animals last hope, well not for the cats...** ** ** in a cave, not far away, was a german shepherd. his name was sirius. right now he was thinking about how life used to be, as a pup, with his brother and his sister.
Equipped with bio-chemical and nuclear weapons and virtually indestructible, it is ephtal's last hope of escaping the invasion by torekmetia at the last moment. at first everything goes well, the armies of torekmetia are crushed.
Dream Teemo - 2012
Teemo opened his mouth wide for a last hope. air rushed in. so did the liquid. it shot into his mouth rather than flowed in.
The Last Of Their Kind
Nova's last hope was in his mate, because he was still unconscious. she used her power to open both cages and out she went. she tried to wake up nova up by nudging him with her nose. she also use a bit of her healing power to wake him up and it worked.
Soliloquy + Grand Finale
'my last hope is that with my death i may pass into the world of my dream, and know peace at last.' as time went by, the notion of carrying on this pointless, trivial life became less and less appealing.
Chapter 1: Release of their true selves
"i'm lira foex and this is my husband letra foex, we're here because you're our last hope." he looked at her. "what do you mean with 'last hope'?"
Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 1
"your generation is our last hope; don't you realize how lucky that makes you? all of humankind might depend on **_your_** blood, and **_your_** genes. and the few others that we know of."
The Resistance - The Elder's Story
But a few of the weak people escaped from being enslaved and banded together to form a resistance, their last hope in regaining their freedom..."
He could see imperious still fighting, on the inside he still thought of himself as the angelic arch angel, defender of the high heavens and the last hope for the mortals down below on sanctuary.