A Patient Death 19: Friends in Low Places

So he's gone and suggested we settle this the ol' northern way, with a right pit-fight. he's got himself some mad-lander with one'a your fuckin' names even.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 10: Smile upon the Sunshine

Knowing that ragunost's reputation was true to his own menacing aura, it would be a matter of time before bloodshed could decorate the pit fight. he became even more excited.

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Dogs of War - Chapter 2 - A Dance of Time and Shadow

"he's laughing at the idea of an 'honourable' pit fight." came another voice from offside, claudius turned to see another human dressed in diomedes's livery leaning against the wall and watching him with half-lidded eyes "pit fights are about winning or losing

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What Will Happen To The Innocent?

"i'll go with you solaris... besides i got nothing left to wait for in the city besides for broken bones" well pit fighting caused her to break a lot of things. sol smiled and stepped forward, hugging mimi.

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Raging Tiger, Chapter 12 - Unfinished Business

The increased savagery the pit-fights had taken on during his time as manager of the place had led to the need to have more fighters, to fill in for those who had been injured while they recovered. of course the crowds loved it.

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty

"like pit fighting?" victus asked, acerbically. "like pit fighting." lucas nodded his head. "that's the sort of job skill you can take back into the real world if you ever get out.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 3

Onyxia is twice as tall as the fledgling demons who clamour about in a great mosh pit, fighting, fucking, fleeing, repeating. there is no end to this chaos, and it disgusts onyxia. they might as well be beasts the way they behave.

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Hunted: Chapter 9

This wasn't a pit fight, he wouldn't die if he lost, his alpha wouldn't hurt him... "ok, aden." cedric called. "i want you to do your best. aden took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

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Looking for Work

"a wee woman like you beat thud in a pit fight?!? i would have paid to see that." he paused his nose working, as he eyed her. "now a small woman like you wants to be a peacekeeper in a tavern like this?"

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Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-four

Lucas thought he'd finally retired from pit fighting and wasn't at all looking forward to doing it again, even if it was just a sparring match.

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 2 - Winfred's Story; Chapter 12

It was like watching a pit-fight between two elder females, terrible yet powerful and morbidly captivating. he was strongly muscled, to the point that winfred wondered briefly if he had ever even _heard_ the word "fat".

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One Single Day: Wolfess

She knew him, he was the one that she always watched in the pit, fighting everyone else. the large almost feral creature that she'd studied for so long. why wasn't he here earlier?

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