Friends, Always
The young teen and his girlfriend watched in discomfort and woe, as the boy's friend was struck to the ground, then standing right back up.
Tugs' Diapered Day at The Mall
He was a young teenager, and the burly polar bear dressed up as santa was much bigger than him. this was a situation he hadn't been in in many years.
New Life, New Mate Part 1.
He then felt his hand between hir legs go damp, as hir juices started too flow, and shi clutched to his body as a quiver went through hir young teen body. "ohhh wolfy, you are so good."
The Family He Never Had Part 9
Human teenager.
All three young teenagers smiled as they left midnights' pleading and sobbing sibling behind.
College Reuinion
Sinasa's eyes though slowly looked down to see the panda's belly swollen and sloshing slightly, looking much larger than it did when the young teen came over a few hours ago, keeping the poor fur off balance as she is led out the door.
wounded saw ch1
The story you are about read is true, tragedy befell a young teenage couple dylan ford and his boyfriend chase matthews the mad and macobe they witnessed that day will live on this is the story of the... california bucket case murders.
New Found Fillies
The young teen also found himself wondering if peter would be just as horny and cock-hungry while awake as he had been while in an unconscious doze.
The young teen girl had wanted to sleep next to storm and after the lady woke up she picked the girl up into her arms and rocked her to sleep. the next morning everyone returned to their normal lives as best they could.
Winter's (or "Snows" her nickname) Backround story
She has been in deep trauma due to her parents death, but some how holds a strong sense of kindness and optimism even after her young teenage years.
Teenage Loves
:d --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you know not what love is, you are too young. teen hood is just sunrise to know your wants live with love singing songs already sung.
NEW MASTER Chapter One
.** "atchoo.." the young teenage vixen sneezed, shivering as she lay on the cold concrete floor of the holding pen. dressed in only her undergarments, megan curled up into a foetal position, trying to keep warm.