The Song of the Slayer - Prologue
A honed pair of amber eyes glare out into the desolate night, scanning the few skeletal trees for any sign of movement. The sky is dark, with barely a prick of starlight to break the midnight veil, and across the haunted marches, nothing stirs. The...
Dissipated down, into swirls Of midnight blue dunes, The beat of the nekhakha stirs Shadows from the breathless night. Accepting the indictment, I heed thy call, For thou hast come to claim my heart. Then come fulfil thy pact; Take from me this...
Short Staffed
About 9,500 words Short Staffed By Televassi I stare at the curtain's stitching as I wait to start. Marie's silk curtain. My silk curtain. I try to swallow the lump in my throat, but it's stubborn. Shadow dancing isn't my job. I'm a bartender -...
A Fine Tale
About 4700 words A Fine Tale By Televassi "Not again!" Hroldnir roared, slapping his thigh. The black wolf jeered and shook his mane. The old crow-bones woven into it clattered, but their sound was diminished by the jingle of silver that now...
Miklagard (Teaser)
By the Ese! The skalds told no tall tales - truly this was a sight worthy of the months of hard travel. Seven months along muddy trails, across rough-shod routes, down sheer gullies and through dense thickets. Even the sleek paved roads that crossed...
About 10,000 words Stranded [1 hour, 21 minutes] The wolf retreated from the orbital station's bustling concourse and dived into a bar, stealing the nearest free seat. His tail bristled as his claw prodded his flickering wrist console, oblivious to...
About 9000 words Simplicity Navigator training begins with the fundamental law: simplicity. No matter how talented the trainee, the most beautiful equations are always the simplest. A model navigator achieved it in all calculations; from the...
1. The White Hart
Chapter 1 The White Hart I'm drowning in January. I tap my cocktail glass and stare at the ice diluting the drink. The bar's empty music pulls at the tips of my ears like a forgotten tongue, dissolving underneath the happy clink of...
Bare-Bucking Tonight isn't like how it used to be. Sure, when I caught his scent from across the bar my eyes lit up in recognition. And yes, we bridged the years after graduation in five minutes: him the dashing stud with a broad smile, me the...
Long have we shared forbidden dreams, Kept secret by an art of subtle glances While I went about braiding your mane, So you could at least be beautiful before a fight. Now as you gather my pale hide, close, Under the halter of your rowan coat, I...