Prisoners of War - Getting on Nerves

He stomped into the in-suite bathroom, took his own morning leak - the biomedical computer found it to be agreeable in composition - showered, dried, and dressed in a simple garb of loose pants and a sleeveless shirt.

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I was never much for advanced machines, that's why i was studying to become a nurse and not a surgeon or biomedical tech. i got along great with people by and large, and nursing has tenfold the face-time of anything else in the field.

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Prisoners of War – Sympathy for the Devil

He called up the biomedical data telemetry program, and its special special subroutine that concerned the blood pressure and nerve activity monitoring - essentially the alarm system that told whenever gantan or sardo was developing increased blood

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Prisoners of War – Sparring Partners

"the physician has reviewed your biomedical data from your exercise yesterday, and it assures me that you are ready to proceed to another level of physical exercise. i have come to fetch you for a session. i assume you are ready."

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Task Force - The Hack

Hall had extensive education in both medicine and biomedical engineering. she had developed a mobile leg brace which would allow me to walk freely without straining the torn muscle in my thigh.

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The Smuggler and the Bartender

Taking a deep breath, the vulpear stuck the stem into her arm, in an instant a rush of adrenaline flooded her body as her body began the task of reconstituting her cells, and she stuck in a needle of biomedical gel and injected it into her wound, it felt like

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Ilorek's Loneliness 2 of 7

When it was time to move onto higher education, ilorek decided to go into biomedical engineering, thanks in part to his experiences with sports. he wanted to learn more about the body, how it worked, and how he could make it better.

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Cherry Snow

Some part of him still felt strange about having an intimate relationship with what was essentially the byproduct of a biomedical experiment, but his body was quick to wash that feeling away.

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Deus Ex: Furry Revolution

"according to the files, they have continued to remove competition in the biomedical engineering field and are suspected to be working with an american corporation named sarif industries.

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Symbiont Research

She was looking for "biomedical". shaylor scanned through the directory, finding that it was in suite c on floor 2. turning around to face the clerk she asked, "i'm here for the symbiont research program, is this the right room?"

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Feeding the Beast (Gift for Kewney)

But as the biomedical complex rocked and swayed to the thunderous beat of her mighty sole against the crumbling earth, he merely hung on, watching and waiting as she approached the treeline that momentarily shrouded her grinning, swelling bulk and the casual

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Human experimentation - Chapter 1 - The "brilliant" idea..

This is where i would like to work when i finish my biomedical course" rowan stated more to herself then us then nimbly hopped her way up the pristine staircase. i stood at the bottom step for a second and began to think, "why is this building white?

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