The Suit Makes the Man

The statue had worked exactly as it was supposed to, the larger, muscular adonis before him emptied of flesh and innards, magically transmuted into an enchanted bodysuit.

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On His Mane's Secret Service - #15

She strode from the bath, apologizing as rapidly as she could, when finally her bodysuit gave out. the snap from between her legs was unmistakable and the bodysuit's tight grip across her body was suddenly loosened.

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Chapter 4 - The Doctor's Assistant

More fluids pooled in her bodysuit, as the ocean of fluids within her began leaking more akin to a fast-moving river. "shit." she swore. "ah, the mighty leviathan gene, gifted to the very special." the man paced the room.

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Sensory Blackout

Pulling on his bodysuit l-734 sat on his bed waiting, rubbing himself as the door slip open to reveal two muscular creatures. their forms now showing true to the lizard as he continued smiling, and standing up with his extremely tight bodysuit.

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Halo: Left Behind, Chapter 4: Why We Fight

Soon all that was left was a form fitting black armored bodysuit and his cracked helm.

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Advanced Haptics

The boots meshed well with the bodysuit, surrounding his feet in the same feeling of sensory deprivation.

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Costumed Chaos

Both wore a skin tight bodysuit, chase's a pleasant pink, jema's white with black spotty blotches. but neither outfit was purely one or two colors, they had little painted details that made the bodysuit look more real, more natural.

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Commission: Draconic Sportsmanship

Alice noted, poking the wings that grew through the slits in the back of the bodysuit. "and rather sexy." she slid her hands over his stomach, feeling the defined muscles.

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Alien Bodysuit Maker Ch3 Saying Good-by

Please start from the beginning: [alien bodysuit maker ch1 ]( [alien bodysuit maker ch2 alien assistant's first sale]( chapter 3 saying good-by at the moment she

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Alien Bodysuit Maker Ch2 alien assistant's first sale

A long line of female bodysuits hanging on paper thin like slabs come out. he pulls out an empty slab, witch floats in front of him. he continues to talk as he peals off the female bodysuit he was wearing. "the nano-bot's are now nesting in your brain.

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The Inside Theory

I know I should make more tests before using the serum on myself, but I have no choice, but to prove to them my theories are correct. I plunge the needle of the syringe into my arm & press on the plunger stem. I can see the glowing fluid threw my...

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