Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 3

The caninu's eyes flicked to the front viewscreen, and he scowled at the oncoming fighters, the bone in his mouth turning tight circles.

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Restaurant issues

He nearly ranted at the end causing fox to cringe and replied "that is just screwed up, what exactly are caninu or feliniku?" elh looked at him and replied "caninu is dogs, feliniku are cats.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 4

"we tried really hard to land right," said the somewhat crestfallen caninu teen. "i did my best to direct us, and chocolat steered the ship just right..."

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Red the hunter: Saddened days part 3

Evan chuckled as he embraced the caninu and patted his head feeling his head gear and replied "oh you lovable caninu." red slowly swished his tail side to side as he nuzzled him and he did the same while gently stroking his back.

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stuck on an island.

Your quite well hung for a seventeen year old caninu!"

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Haldi's Exile

caninu mate for life, it had always been that way, but he refused to talk about her, and never accompanied haldi on her trek to the cemetery each year.

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Red the hunter: saddened days part 4

Elh raised an eyebrow seeing him carry the younger caninu with one hand and asked "is there something wrong, dont tell me your blood is turning black quickly!"

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complicated matters.

For a caninu he is awfully content to read any of the books we have." evan raised an eyebrow and replied "red likes to read?

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Red the hunter: Unlimited Blade Works part 1

He gently nuzzled the younger caninu who purred in delight as he nuzzled his chest. red was a decently fit caninu and easily stood at 5 feet 4 inches due to proper nutrition and growth.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 13

Swallowing nervously, the young charr dared to look up...and promptly met the caninu's eyes. he'd seen her checking him out!

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Red the hunter: part two reunion

He shivered hugging the smaller caninu tightly as he thought "_i will not go insane, i refuse to go insane!"

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Red the hunter: Unlimited Blade Works part 2

He gently slowly the unconscious caninu before the door opened. he sighed gazing upon the purple colored feliniku, the blue caninu and the not so smiling feliniku making him whisper "yes lady opera, gren and calua what is it?"

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