
Endf "acs: the compulsion in the can" by eulalie "nequ" quentin 2010 creative commons 3.0 by-sa-nc

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Unlikely Alliance Chapter 10

I shake myself to help my fur fall back into place from my scratching as well as try to shake off the compulsion, but with no luck.

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To Dream of Darkness III - CH 53

Normal compulsion spells, such as sarina had used to subdue meghan, worked best when the commands seemed reasonable and within the scope of acceptable actions for the subject.

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Dark Lord Substitute 12

It ensured that the war effort was being stabilized, and that worked enough to put the compulsion to bed.

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Demonic Control

His dutiful yet bare minimum attentions, forced by the compulsion, became a frantic self-driven desire to indulge in silver's feet.

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Predilection: CH 2*: Stays On The Boat?

"you couldn't have harmed him, but the compulsion as ike calls it forced me to stop your attack." "is there a mirror on the ship?" "i believe there was one on the wall of twilight's chamber." sentry spoke.

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Kicking a Bad Habit

"if you tell me the compulsion, and i say the word 'pawslut' shortly after, your gambling compulsion will immediately turn into a compulsion to worship my hindpaws. do you understand?"

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Reminiscence ~ A Good Person

I'm a very compulsive person." raiki replied back to me. he seemed quite somber the way he did.. i was expecting another snarky response but hey.. this works too! "i've never met someone so overly compulsive about schoolworks."


Belleton, Epilogue

"he targeted the mages themselves, using the one form of magic he had mastered above all others: compulsion." that wiped the smirk from the canine's face. "but compulsion is forbidden," he said lamely, "even for the highest orders of mages.

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Hunter's Moon Ch. 03 [TF / F / Werebat]

Mikhail drove quietly, whether by compulsion or out of indifference to his passengers heather was unable to tell. it was dark by the time they arrived at the inn.

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Die Role - Ch 5

"i feel no compulsion so far to uncage and roll the die, but we know i will soon, when we reach 24 hours since my last change. after that, the longer i try to fight the curse's effects, the stronger the compulsion becomes."

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Playing with Fire

Confusion conflicted within his eyes as his will struggled against the compulsion of the demoness.

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