Art Bell Gets His Money's Worth: I
Edification a mess of documents, texts, photographs, dossiers, and files, suddenly declassified or at least made availably public some years before, which taken together, solidifying in the curious mind now freed from the reaganesque reveries, the nixonian deliriums
Looking for a post-apoc artist who can draw characters kind of like Twokinds!
This wolf was a fighter though, even in his delirium he fought. he had grabbed the gun barrel while jek was patching him up and tried to knock out jek. thankfully, jek had sedated him before that was possible.
A Charr and his Thoughts Part 2 - The Arrangement
Shermaa, who due to the drugs only felt happiness, noticed, that his environment started to blur and saw in his delirium only one picture. he and samokles together united in love.
Chapter 32 - Sink your teeth into it
So that's what happens when delirium kicks in... are you alright?" he crouches down beside me. "the hell is delirium?" i scowl and rub my hand against my jeans, the sharp pain bringing me back into my own mind.
Draco Defanatus
* * * izyth swam within a miasma of hellishly lucid delirium, incoherent thoughts, and morbid sensations.
Ruubenev himself was dancing on the meadow, so lightly his paws would land against the grass and effortlessly he would rise into the air, suspended in a delirium of his own, floating weightlessly for moments until his whim guided him to the ground again.
Tasty treats in the space pirate pantry
She says in her delirium before your jaws close over her pretty blond head. you begin swallowing in earnest, muzzle pointed at the ceiling to let gravity help you draw down your meal.
Beyond the Deep - Spooktober Horror Story
**warning:**** horror, real life, panic, **** delirium ****.** [disclaimer: any names portrayed in this story are completely fictional. any resemblances with actual people or characters are completely coincidental.]
Tik Tik's Taxing Adventure 8
"a good 13 hours of rest in your room came after your delirium. it's not safe for the living to enter the accounting department." "so, a treasury staffed by nothing but undead?"
Off Leash Chapter 1
And here comes the delirium, i remember thinking as his grin widened. "oh, yeah?" keep them talking, right? my mind clawed for some first aid knowledge that might be useful for somebody who was probably bleeding internally.
Lakeside Park
The wolf couple really had the kind of synchronicity that only a couple wrapped in the delirium of love can have.
Blindspot Dreams
The dream body blurs into a sudden swirl of merging, surging delirium as pressure builds further somewhere within him.