Firestorm - Ch 8: Defiance

Sure enough, they owned a data farm in denmark that served all of western europe. they even had a condo in a villa nearby, with a protected hard line into the servers.

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My Son and Me and Him Ch. 1

"steven denmark, huh? well steven, i'll be getting my sunglasses back." he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. he started the car and the stopped. what am i doing? it's just a pair of sunglasses.

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Step Forward Zone

"i've been to sweden and germany and denmark and thailand," i replied. "mostly school and tourist trips, though. not really the same as...well, like this, isn't it? moving to another country and staying there." "quite so!" he smiled.

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Part one: The change

His eyes scanned the hall; her father was founder and president of one of the larger companies in denmark, and it showed. he figured that, even saving for a lifetime, he'd never be able to afford just one of the paintings in the hall.

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But then again, we'd only met during the scandinavian languages class, which he was taking because he had this funny dream of working somewhere in sweden or norway or denmark, maybe.

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Cabin Pressure

They were still in denmark, probably over northern jutland. jeff searched for a field large enough to touch down and away from any lights. he found what he was looking for near a fjord and adjusted his wings to slow down.

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Membership Upgrade (Com)

If all passengers have a qr code, please scan now, otherwise please denmark. this elevator is for program initiates only." a soothing yet synthetic voice read aloud the message that also displayed in text on the monitor.

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"it's a little bitter, smooth but biting...perhaps you may find it odd, but it's very popular in denmark." "we're not terribly sentimental furs." continued clara. "but this is one thing we love to treat ourselves to from home.

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Drakans story

* * * hey there, this is my first yiffstar story, and im a girl from denmark, so i apologize if there are some english words which are spelled wrong. but enjoy the story, however! if you are under 18 years get the fuck out now!!!

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They'll Ride Up With Wear

"i gotta keep the money coming in somehow until i will be sent to work to an us embassy in norway or sweden or denmark as an expert on cultural relations, language and commerce," the wolf smiled smugly.

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08 - Masquerade

Nay, we art elizabeef, queen of england, and not denmark." "your majesty," we both intoned and bowed. "but thee art marauders and brigands, who scourge our seas and steal the goods of our people, art thee not? "nay, your majesty!" defended toby.

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Firestorm - Ch 7: Deception

If you had to pick a place on the planet to do some hacking from, then denmark would be highest on your list.

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