A Slippery Slope - Part 5: Linnaeus' Enthusiasm
Once again, the orca's echolocation squealed its ultrasonic music at the entranced otter before him.
The new kid
Jack was in his science class second to last class of the day but he hates science today they are talking about bats and echolocation but he's not paying attention he's actually sitting in his desk with his phone out under the desk texting his friend lewis
Character Reference: Zero
Zero is technically blind, only able to see using basic echolocation. it is able to hear quite well, though, and has a full range of touch senses.
Shades of Gray
My trilling echolocation halts and my eyes get back to duty. roaring cacophonies fueling my rage decrescendo into rest. energy once held for destruction of a certain plank of bark reverts to twist my body around.
Seeking history
No matter he just echolocates and easily maneuvers around the trees! he smiles. it's just like it always is! he thinks. once i get used to the feeling, there's no problem!
The Sound of Neon
You can't get much echolocation from random noises. you can't feel the shapes of the buildings from a splash of water or a person's panting breath. but you can sense it all from the steady buzz of neon.
The Alley Fights Back
Unable to see, save for my echolocation, the urge to feel back to the pool was overwhelming. but my plan to get isthia's attention was too good to pass up.
Born Without a Head (BWOAH) Intro
As for my senses, i gained echolocation like dolphins and bats have, as well as a sort of telepathy. i can "broadcast" my "speech" out to everyone in the room, or just a select group of people.
Power Fur Rangers- Episode 03
The echolocation hasn't worked in over 30 years." clank gripped. "we can't pull him outta school unless the situation becomes worse. for the time being you'll have to work on it alone."
Hurricane Alley
Her echolocation came to an abrupt stop, cut off like a drunkard's fingers in shop class. "oh...that's not good." "not good? that's a hurricane.
Ulysses' Test
He had learned echolocation. ‾how am i doing this? ‾ he asked her. ‾well you are in direct contact with one of your guardians. that's got to count for something. ‾ jordan shrugged. ‾now catch that snake! ‾ gwen encouraged.
Open Ocean
Eyes open, eyes closed, echolocation or none, there was no difference. calls of migrating whales echoed across the emptiness, silent as they reached my ears.