Faith Containment Log: Diamond
faith is part of the world that fa: lapinousmalice has created and has graciously allowed me to use for these types of commissions.
His sins overlooked in the duplicitous manner all the faithful must for the cognitive dissonance to not gobble their faith like a ravenous beggar handed a loaf of bread. i felt like biting his throat out.
In fact-" he finished his sentence by sweeping vesta off faith's back, tossing her to her father and tackling faith to the ground in one swift move. she resisted, but only managed to wrestle with him until he pinned her down.
The Faithful
Can she keep her humanity and her faith, or will she transform into something unholy. please don't read this if you are religious and are easily offended. it's raunchy, bro. feedback always appreciated!
Zion - LotNM Charater Prologue (Roarg Stoneclan)
Zion - Path of the Moon Mother Prologue, Roarg Stoneclan The satchel on Roarg's back carried numerous servings of leftovers from the meal he'd enjoyed that afternoon. While the badger didn't make a regular habit of packing a large...
A Little Too Curious Part 4
Under the intense pleasure, faith yells "faster, i'm so close!"
Zion - LotNM Character Prologue (Anya Fanewatcher)
Zion - Path of the Moon Mother Prologue, Anya Fanewatcher Brother Lafred helped Caretaker Whein move the heavy stone slab that blocked the staircase leading down into the crypt; Anya simply watched, and listened. Caretaker Whein had been working in...
A reason to live.
_A reason to live._ _By_ _ **Puma Concolor** _ Edited by a good friend _ **Dasher Cheetah** _ _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\__ _Times have been rough,...
A Little Too Curious Part 2 [An Old Friend Returns]
Wow faith.. thanks for giving me another chance! "call me some time." said faith i will.
Faith. The Story Of A Hero. Intro.
Its short, straight forward, creative and motivational to restore your faith in your dreams. its gold.
The Furry Dead (Medieval Style)
He's young, devoted, maybe even honestly faithful. i think you would like him._ _it is too bad they are all going to die.
Faith- rough draft(bare with me)
He was the priest who was pure in faith, heart and love who willing sacrificed his vow of chastity for the well-being of a single monk. he deserved to be here at this church and guide the other monks to a future of faith and bliss.