Secrets Revealed(4): New Home
This story is copyright Denver Demchuk 2007 ...Next three days, I spent learning about the history of my own people, Dragons of every origin, of every Human culture having saved as much of their words and ideas in enchanted texts. More often than...
A dog named Toby (4)
Cody was standing on his tip toes to compensate for the height difference as he was soon fondled by that paw, being molested by this dog.
Alucard and Ren their after years
(This takes place after a event happens to him in the main story) Over the planes Alucard flew, rolling hills of all colors. The sweet England air, pulling his hair and brushing his body with little fingers. On his way back home he had stopped to...
Helfer's Busy Day, Chapter 3
He'd never been one to waste too much time on decisions. An open door across the hall from him beckoned; quickly, he slipped inside and pressed himself to the wall next to the door, listening. Dereath had indeed been coming up to the stairs, and to...
Part 1: Saereth Makes a Fun Discovery
Saereth knew she was a shapeshifter. A rare one, capable of shifting form and shifting attributes. From a young age, she sought to learn all of her abilities as a shapeshifter. She learned to shift every aspect of herself, from her cup size to her wing...
Fair Distractions
Warnings for fondling and grooming and implied castration! "i don't know how you can eat that stuff!" marten stared, frowning, large fennec ears twitching as he watched his canine friend take another bite of the deep-fried lump.
Stripes, Chapter 6: Hook, Line, and Sinker
"So is there anything interesting going on at your job, Tim?" It was Wednesday again, and that meant, again, drinks at Casey's; myself, Sarah, and Sam in a row from left to right, Enrique leaning on the bar opposite us and occasionally dashing off...
animalistic instincts: moving in
"What's in the ammo box?" Diget asked. "oh not much just a few things I take with me sometimes when stuff is going in my car I don't want anyone messing with, specially if there's periods of time that I wont be there. nothing to worry about" what...
Coffee And Cream •Chapter 2•
**I must give you a fair warning that some serious shizz is going down in this chapter and if you FEEL that you aren't mature enough then please leave...** **...** **...** **...** **...** **...** **...** **..** **.** **I guess that didn't...
Opportunistic Zoophile
From his head to his base, then fondling his balls. i grabbed the penis again and started jerking it off. i felt the giant penis on my face. rubbed it against my face as i moaned with pleasure. i licked it.
The guy continues fondling me against my will, and before long i soon get to my full erection of 5 inches. i know, it's... "tiny." the crazy person still on me finishes my sentence. i blush a bit, despite the situation. "stop doing that!"
**RETURN** "That was very good" Penny thought while she is watching the moon through the window of the living room of her home. Penny was very happy, she was a young dog now almost two years old, and she lived with her two owners at the heart of...