A land of woe and terror surrounds me. A black canvas, lit by the dismal glow of falling fire, blotted the sky. As I walk on the withered earth, an omnious, dark wind brushed my right hand, leaving a mark of death. A...
~The Great Masquerade~
Come one, come all it is the most magnificent show of them all where fortunes are lost, and fortunes are made, It is the Great Masquerade! The angels are all singing in the choir and I do believe that is Beelzebub on the lyre. So sit down...
Destiny, Sands of Time
The grim reaper asked, resting his head against his scythe. normally the grim reaper would have just killed a simple person, and not shown this kind of a human jester, but i was no other human.
Children Of Keeval-da: Following The Path
Commenting on grim's nakedness with a high pitched voice. "get yourself robbed on the road?" "grim was not robbed. grim left in hurry." grim said pointing to himself while he did. "saved plant. grim must follow the path."
Refliction: ChazeDown
Upon his hand was a black scythe and he doesn't look anything like the grim reaper mind you! nothing came from my mouth in response, all i could do was stare at him. the figure raises its paw up onto its neck.
Aphrodite City 11: All Things Must End
Long red hair was tied back in a ponytail, her brown eyes fixed with grim determination as she tightly gripped her axe with a pair of gloved hands.
The fang Ch 1
"well...maintenance is gonna have a fun time with this mess, grim..." the ceratosaur shrugged rather cheerfully. teska blinked up at the huge saurian and gulped once more. "...grim...captain...grim?"
Forged in Fire, Chapter 2
Four days. It took me all of four days to HATE Iraq. Several of the senior Non-Coms (also known as NCOs, Non-Commissioned Officers, those ranked corporal and up) had been here before and laughed at the younger soldiers, while secretly counting the...
WoW: Mother's Grim
**Strong, black jaws closed around the nape of Kelidanya's neck. With a well-practiced motion, the apparent mountain lioness lifted her hips, curling her tail up and away from the soft hips rubbing against her rump. She shivered, something hot, wet,...
Grim Fairy Tail
The latex fairy lounged in his new abode, the whole interior of the house a perfect latex duplicate of itself. The pipes and other functions of the house had ceased to function but being latex he needed little of them. With a little magic the lights...
Grim Situations: 3
#1 of grim situations _**hey all! here's the next installment to the plot.
Grim Situations: 2
"or find a way to use the situation to the best of our advantage," george added, "i'm sure we can find some way to use a red-headed grim."