Self Pleasure
kobalt sighed as he slumped into afterglow. "i wonder where cody is..."
The Hangunder
He has to figure out how to keep a micro safe until he can return the stoat to kobalt.
Steeping Stoat
kobalt is fa: kobaltthewolf cody is fa: codestoat this was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my patreon!
Internal Medicine
kobalt has a very upset stomach. luckily, cody is a healer!
His Own Heated Pool
kobalt is fa: kobaltthewolf cody is fa: codestoat this was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my patreon!
kobalt, on the other hand, stood on the tile floor in front of the sink.
The Serpent Strikes
#94 of patreon reward vignettes vignette for kobalt, featuring cody something similar to getting caught under-tail except kobalt is sleeping face-up.
Securing the Stoat
kobalt leaned forward a bit, grasping onto hand-bars as he tried to lean into turns.
Getting Caught Under-Tail
kobalt muttered as he continued his search, obliviously.
Wrestler's Reward
He was sure that kobalt could feel the heat on his cheeks from how often the tongue worked and pressed across his face. the whole mouth shifted and moved as kobalt sat down with an affectionate chuckle.
Well, He's Not a Scorpion
#125 of patreon reward vignettes thirteenth vignette for kobalt, again featuring cody on a balmy afternoon, kobalt and cody are hanging out in the garden behind the house they share. cody decides riding a wild frog is a good idea.
The Wrong Cave
The cock easily stretched as more of poor kobalt was sucked in. the wolf began to flail, punch the cat as hard as he could. the cat took the punches as if kobalt was a little kit trying to hurt a rock.