A Perilous Double Feature

Her long neck held outstretched for that deadly blade, locked in place under the heavy lunette. the pillow beneath her long muzzle no longer as appealing as she whimpers and shouts.

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Quand les loups s'agitent

On pouvait s'habiller de légers t-shirts et de jeans courts, et mettre ses lunettes de soleil pour se protéger du soleil et surtout se donner un style.

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Chapter 14

"lunette, but call me luna, and never lune or loony, go that?" the girl growled at craig, "anyway, i bet there isn't a single thing you could do with the vices right now that i don't know about."

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Short-short stories part 10

The usher locked the lunette around her neck. jasmine waited... a long time. at least half an hour, maybe longer. the door opened behind her. the genet raised her tail. she felt fingers in her twat, then spreading the juices onto her clit. rubbing it.

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La Vie avec les Rose Lunettes

The train ran down the tracks, stopping for nothing. Brandon was slightly relieved to be taking a break from flying. He obviously hadn't gotten his wings for it yet. The train quickly lost momentum as the station approached. As it squealed to...

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Making Royal Deals 2

The purple stone hung between them as riley slipped her head into the well made lunette and winked at the yen. above the dragoness the mouton hung, gleaming dangerously. "woah!

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Purgatory - 2nd Selection

A second button caused the table to move forward, stopping only when 06's head was secured in the lunette. 06's lips quivered as he stared up at the blade that would end his life.

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The DissiDex - The 'Complete' Character Compendium

Tasked with returning the escaped lunette, shi comes up against some... unexpected resistance.

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The Other Side of the Fence, pt. 3

He yelped as he felt the guards grabbing hold of his balls and cock, manhandling them as they shoved them into the lunette, the small two-part frame at the bottom of the guillotine that held his bits in place, and then closed it tightly around his cock and

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Kara's Snuffing

As waves of pulsing agony rippled anew over her dying body, the lunette was lowered over her bleeding throat, locking her into her fate. ulric knelt before her, looking into her contorted face.

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Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain

C'était un homme plutôt petit avec les cheveux noirs et d'épaisses lunettes. il semblait tellement absorbé par ses calculs que je n'osai pas le déranger. je m'installai donc à un bureau au fond de la classe pour manger ma salade.

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Histoire 2 : Une journée « bien rempli » chez Manu

Il se met à genoux devant les chiottes et remonte la lunette. il enlève le bloc de bleu wc (« ne laisse jamais ça dans les chiottes quand tu te laves, ça tâche la peau... sauf si tu veux ressembler à un schtroumpf ! », me dit-il).

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