Shifting Consequences--Chapter 45: Surprise Continuation
He waits until bella is done with the dishes and they're all near the picnic table before he says, "we need to go to the minneapolis fbi headquarters and meet cher." zack turns to vale.
Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 17
It and minneapolis are connected thus got the nick name twin cities." "thus why you have a team named the twins." coal commented.
Captain Troubleshoot and the Flight to Hades: Not Yer Usual Skyport
Neither minneapolis nor st. paul can claim it as theirs, only the state of minnesota, turboencabulated by design. all parts of a whole system. at a distance it all looks like grains of sand and dirt grinding thorough a machine.
The Long Gift—Chapter 23
There's an extensive 3d map of the area of minneapolis that they're in and it looks like a course is plotted almost straight up.
Not a Lonely Work | by KitsuneJey
"what time is it in minneapolis?" "about... five forty five in the morning", blaze informed, looking at his wrist watch. "i got up early, but i'm gonna have breakfast later... oh, jey, i suppose the time right now in caracas is...
Recovery Efforts Series Appendix
Psychiatrist _ 58 (m) bothain [fenella] {caird estate, west-northwest of crieff, scotland} **black** _owner/manager, caird distilleries_ 40 (m) james (jim) {aberdeen, scotland} **black, white spots** _member of parliament_ 38 (m) jack (jackie) {minneapolis
The Great Start
_suddenly, one masculine voice announces on the speaker:_"ladies and gentlemen, we continue the boarding for flight dl1312 to minneapolis. we are now inviting economy passengers, to proceed to gate four. economy passengers, gate four. thank you."
The Mute - Chapter 1: When I met Kyle
The summer after fourth grade, my mom and i moved to minneapolis from our home in boston. i hadn't had any friends, and didn't plan on making any, but on first day at my new school, someone actually tried to talk to me.
Shifting Consequences--Chapter 47: Gathering Allies
He's never been to minneapolis, so he has no idea what the names of the outlying cities and towns are. glenn sighs as he thinks. "i think our best bet is to park in some back street in hudson, wisconsin." zack clears his throat.
It was the minneapolis comets versus the pittsburgh lancers. pittsburgh had the ball and led 7-zip with 6 minutes to go in the second quarter. despite the fact that i had it shoved down my throat from an early age, i never got into football.
He's out west, in minneapolis. st. paul, actually, but he likes to say minneapolis. it sounds better. he claims it has a more 'desirable postal code'." "ah." "he claims i shouldn't be so concerned.
Wolves in Caps - 1 - Pages Turn
His father was an engineer at a respectable company with its headquarters in minneapolis, and his two older brothers, simon and michael, had gone to out-of-state universities to major in mathematics and physics.