anthem of the flagmen
In lines they marched, in lines they fought, in lines they died, but there are some they forget to mention and now is where we begin ascension in the battles of musket and fire, we were there with a great desire in the battles of sergeants and fighting
Hgjysews's anthropomorphic canine history 4 The Eurasian War(1206-1231)
Because the main forces of wolves are in the asian battlefield, even if the fox does not have a musket, the two sides can fight for a long time in 1225, the fox acquired gunpowder technology.
The Outlander 1 11
The musket rats fumbled furiously trying to reload the weapon, but the samurai was on them in a second. he bounded and leaped up several small ledges until he reached the musket team and skewed them both with one thrust of his katana and cut upwards.
musket prologue: chapter 4,
#5 of musket this is a major part in the story of musket susan townsfolk, seamstress, wisconsin october 6th, 1862 dear joshua, i have some grave news to tell you, last week your father had fallen gravely ill. it would take all of his strength to sit
musket prologue: chapter 3,
#4 of musket this is the third chapter in the series musket. joshua is starting to get a bit emotional joshua union, 7th regiment, minnesota camp release, october 5th 1862 thank you for sending those lemons for me. however i have something to tell you.i
musket prologue: chapter one, intro
#1 of musket i am using this part of the series for a school assignment. the capitalization is not there because the writer doesn't use them in letters. this is my first furry story so criticism is recommended. also another thing, i probably will upload this
Whip-Crack Rhapsody
The dog was busily trying to reload his musket. baphor grimaced. "he'll run for help if he misses again." henry ran forward, and leapt into the air.
Dogtanian : All for one and one for all
Athos said, excitedly, "you too, dogtanian." with that, the three musketeers started to pull of their clothes. dogtanian watched as they undressed.
Shadows in the Gully
The mink sat the musket down and stood up. he walked around the fire and stopped in front of the otter. he refused to look away, even when lucas squirmed and leaned back.
musket: chapter three
#8 of musket and we are finished with chapter one!
musket: chapter two
#7 of musket this upload took a long time to write and i hope that the next installment will not take so long to upload inside the vortex of spinning condensation were brilliant strokes of lightning criss crossing here and there constantly. soon the lightning
Gold Lust
The musket that had looked so small in the dragon's hand fit perfectly in ralkan's hands, it was smaller than a regular musket, made to be fired on horseback.