Tail of the Drunkbark Acorn Part 2
Danzaburou is very happy to have the norse god return to him. now they can finish what they started... this baby is a ~2.2k conclusion to this duology.
The Binding of Fenrir
A retelling of the norse myth story from the prose edda "the binding of fenrir". i originally wrote this for a writing competition at my college but it was too long so i had to shorten it to make it a bit better. i didn't win sadly but i still like this.
Normae: Nation Profile
Unlike the norse, who believe guests must be invited and leave when they please without offense, the normae are quite the opposite, guests may come when they may without offense, but must announce their departure.
They Meet
In the middle was coffee table that was scratched up with norse symbols, some done very well and others not so well.
A were Aware in a Ware (A1, B10, C18)
My mother educated me on norse mythology. i'm not impressed by your version of it." loki shrugged off rama's attitude and said, "my son was tamed by odin. now the great old buffoon rides my son into battles.
Typheks Origins
The god himself is depicted from all mythology, from norse to hindu, egyptian to roman, the god was labelled all names under the morale spectrum of good and evil.
Of Satyr and Gods Pt. 2
The norse believed this is what caused earthquakes, and it wouldn't surprise me." by now, the flames were spitting the same particles that had rose from the crack in the rock the trickster had emerged from.
The Other Hunter
A man eating norse wolf." the unicorn snorts, "that explains cassie's concern over you. sorry, while according to her parents she was done being trained there are things she still does not know."
Carltober: Sans + Superwolf
Carl was like hela from norse mythology, except on one side he was a skeleton with a blue eye and hoodie and on the other a wolf in a superhero costume. "isn't it cool?" carl said. "no." they still cuddled.
Machine Of Man
#4 of poetry hope you get the reference to surt, if not go read some norse mythology :p once so green and blue, now cast and clad in grey pillars of wonder one by one, are all cast away flowing streams once so clean restored to you it would not seem
The Unwilling Thrall (A1, B1, C13)
We cannot allow faith to return to the norse gods, else they will stand strong against me - against _us_." she smiled somewhat. "you would be pleased, love.
Ghostbusters: Regenesis 02 - Resonance
The english had long since faded, the norse more complicated than ever before. the cheers of the crowd grew even louder as they saw the heroes that had ensnared their very souls.