Wolf's Journey - Kapitel 18: Schwere Entscheidungen
Immer, wenn er etwas machte, wurde es zu einer undefinierbaren pampe, deswegen bevorzugte ryo es, wenn yoko kochte. plötzlich klingelte es. ein aufschrei aus der küche erhallte und ein wolf stürmte ins wohnzimmer.
While the Cats Play, the Dog Pays [COM]
I hope he gets used to painting the inside of those pamps, because after i've claimed you i don't want some dumb dog messing with my property.
The Furry Tamer
Daddy got to work cleaning up the baby who had managed to soak and mess his pamps at some point during his nap or his humping.
Special Ed Vixen
Speaking of poopy diapers, cleo shot a quick glance at the dragon to see how he was coming along, only to find he was still actively and happily filling his pamps, straining the tapes as he did so.
A Captivating Gaze
I'd be surprised if you can keep this pamp dry for the whole night." "what?! i haven't wet the bed since i was--!" "look into my eyes," snapped sylvana. sally complied, and within the blink of an eye, he was already hooked.
CrinkleSewerZ (18+)
It was a fairly normal day in Stick Figure City. The sun wasn't out, therefore it was not blinding people with its rays of light, instead being cloudy. It wasn't too hot or muggy either. People in the city just went on their daily...
Die Welt des goldenen Mondes - Kapitel 17: Nur noch ein paar Tage!
Reiga stopfte sich schnell den warmen und leicht braunen marshmellow in den mund, schluckte die klebrig süße pampe und erwiderte: „bitte, aber ich habe dich nur an etwas erinnert, was dein herz schon wusste."
Kope & Olivia [Comm] (NSFW)
Don't worry puppy, mommy will get you nice and safe into your puppy pamps and you can get back to playing in no time."
My dick grew as my pamps squelched against daddy's knee. i yipped in surprise as dad slipped a paw under me and squeeze the pissy mass. he smiled and gave me the slightest of nods.
Puppy's Pound (NEW CHAPTER 8)
Cedar peered down to see aspen's soaked pamps, chuckling. "hey! cut it out big bro. looks like you had a leak last night too." aspen pointed out, gesturing to the precum stain on cedar's white briefs.
A C-Boi's Wet Heat
They had pamps, puffs, and the other big ones, but also a good bit of the smaller brands as well, ones that didn't get commercials but were almost as good, if not better than the big brands.
{Pokémon/Diapers} A Diapered Dungeon Adventure
Zigzagoon gives the back of his diaper a pat, greatly enjoying the warmth of his soggy pamps. "oh...i should have figured that's what you had to do." furret says with a chuckle. "do you want a change?" "nope!"