Spin the Bottle: First Spin

The masochist's proboscis instinctively straightens from the new levels of submissiveness he is reaching thanks to his dominant snake. "howsss it sssmell?"

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To Chase a Rabbit

The business man unrolled his proboscis, stuck it in the shot glass, and downed the alcoholic drink, motioning for another glass afterward.

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Adventures in Xenobiology

Gasping, malcolm opened his eyes, tried to jerk back from the thin proboscis inspecting him. his back slammed into the base of the simian enclosure.

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The Yiff-A-Cub Club

And her legs went out as the moth's proboscis - long, gray and prehensile - snaked from his mouth and plunged inside. she could feel it rooting around inside of her - tasting her insides and exploring her depths.

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Aviophobic Entomophily

My stomach felt bloated, but he held my face in his mandibles and kept that proboscis lodged in my gullet. what kind of evolutionary process could have birthed such a specific creature?

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Doom in the Rubber Forest: Prologue

The dildo-flower drooled sap around the invading appendage and squeaked loudly as the proboscis pumped and sucked the sweet sap from her breast.

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Lifeless Lack Of Atmosphere: Preview

As the lifeless corpse of the slasher fell with a sickening thud, i sliced of the infectors proboscis with a clean shot, causing it to collapse on the equally dead corpse of the woman. i think her name was jane.

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Bug Thugs

The source of the sound was soon clear as his tongue started to protrude, likely to the start of a proboscis.

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The Gates of Hell, Nymph

She crouched over the girl and started to lower her head to feed, her proboscis sliding out of her maw, her mandibles ready to tear into the soft flesh.

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Her proboscis moving about, antennae waving, mariposa said, "agreed." and her wings opened and closed. "i shall show you back to the surface. when you next have need of us, you will know where to find us."


Spreading Out

"sweet," he thought, extending his proboscis down, the tip dipping into the sensitive inside lining of his urethra.

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The Title Counts

Amongst them was a dolphin who occasionally misted vapor from his blowhole, a raccoon with several rings of black sleep deprivation under her already masked eyes, and a bee that drank disgustingly with her proboscis.

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