Vibrant Darkness
As nailo's footsteps echoed down the tunnel of sound vacuumed by brick walls, they were eternally matched to his face, building an estimate of their target's every possible retaliation.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Norman Normal Types
Blaziken jumped into the air before landing and clashing against slaking's retaliate. "retaliate gets stronger when it has been used right after one of my pokemon has fainted. lets see whether your blaziken can handle that increased power."
The gutpunching home - Sidestory 2
With each one of these wicked blows, gliscor retaliates with jabs, hooks and even uppercuts, but it's clear his fighting spirit and his physical abilities are failing him.
The gutpunching home - Sidestory 1
Haxorus, however, retaliates immediately and manages to connect with a hard hook to the same place, but rampardos doesn't seem to mind the blow.
Abri: Chapter I
Cried the female wolf in retaliation, her white-colored fur along her lower torso starting to mesh into a variant of black and violet. "we did this much for you, so don't be so damned selfish..."
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 46
Raziel and the other bodyguards retaliated in kind!
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 84: A Grim Present And A Darker Future (Conclusion)
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 84: A Grim Present And A Darker Future (Conclusion)** Day 271 continued (During YOE 265) "OH MY GOSH!" I said as I stared at the devastation. "This is what has become of my city?!" The evil beastial next to me...
033 - Proxime Pt.01
Or will they die retaliating to a 'sapian simply carrying the will of every human that walks this earth? a retaliation that would never been so barbaric as a direct strike, oh no! we're not talking about anything direct, no venom from their tongues.
Battling Wulfric
He shut his eyes and lowly grunted to himself after the initial impact, but fenny would retaliate harder. he surrounded himself with a wall of flames and darted at the opponent in seconds.
Seeonee 2 - Chapter 6
People will retaliate and invade the forest to hunt shere-khan down. so now he can't come even close to the edge of the forest. he grabbed me and flung me against a rock. he left me there and went away.
Contact - Part 5
They pushed, the dome retaliated, and they crumbled away when the dome turned into a blast. the bear wheezed as he struggled back to his feet. helping the hare up before he checked on the doe.
The Twilight Army; The Rise of the Flame Guardian
"well, eevee is going to stay with us a-" the mew was cut of by moonlight, who retaliated with a strict, cold; "no." "but she has to, there's no where else she can go now!" dreamwave protested, as eevee began to cry.