Position Shift
The gel resisted his efforts to move, shifting and pressing against him long, undulating motions that rocked him gently and kept him from pushing his way through the gelatinous liquid.
The late shift
The late shift by kitten loring (©) kitten loring for xemnes portal (©) xemnes portal: a black and white sergal though sergals are known for rape this is not a rape story my name is xemnes portal, i am a sergal with black
Shifting 3
shifting 3 ~_snowdragon_ the silver dragon opened his eyes with a soft groan, almost in self pity.
Shifting 2
shifting 2 ‾_snowdragon_ with the storm only growing harder by the time the silver shifting dragon had returned home, he made quick work of discarding his soaked clothes and pulling out another set of of ones nearly identical to those he was wearing before
Shifting 1
Ashmir had taught him literally everything, from his training in line, to shooting a gun, how to better control his shifting powers, how to hold the shifted forms for longer. "salen?"
Midnight Shift
_Just a quick and dirty._ It takes a lot of time to get ready for what I do, if you can believe that. You can call me Maple. I sleep mostly during the day because I work all night. Have been for 10 years now, in fact, and the longer you go at...
Shifting 101
Jon smiled and stripped out of his clothes and quickly shifted too. he lay next to tony and pulled him close. "you did good." jon said as he kissed tony's cheek.
First Shift
#1 of first shift elder brother helping the younger through a coming of age werewolf transformation.
Weekend Shift
Tark sighed irritably as he stepped into the cramped, overheated trailer, shrugging off his light jacket as quickly as he could. After a moment's thought, his undershirt followed in onto the floor. It wouldn't help, nothing did when you were a polar...
Silver Shift
He bent down and gingerly put the baby down just before his cranium began to shift. he brought his now considerably more clawlike hands to his face as it pushed out into a reptilian muzzle.
The Late Shift
"hey listen... my shift ends within the hour... perhaps you like to come over to my house for the night?" jason murred and let out a giggle. "i would like that tyler... i would like that a lot."
Night Shift
A lot of prostitutes do what they do because they can't do anything else. Others are simply victims of circumstance. Others seem to get a rush out of it. Me though? The way I see it, why not? I am smarter than most others, and the fact that I am a male...